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[Trans Reuters] Shopping without restraint is better than restraint

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[Trans Reuters] Shopping without restraint is better than restraint

Author: Zhang Jing Editor·Chaoying Drawing: Anan

Shopping without restraint is better than restraint

Recently, the news that 'Taobao canceled Double 12 and changed its name to 'Taobao Year-end Good Price Festival'' has become a hot search topic.Many friends said, 'Isn't it just a change of name? Changing the soup without changing the medicine.' 'They are all wallet assassins.' It seems that the majority of consumers do not buy it, and their mentality towards holiday sales is becoming more and more negative. .Cross-border e-commerce editor Fu Rongrong asked around friends in the cross-border e-commerce circle and felt the same way.

So, what about overseas markets?According to Furongrong’s understanding, the Black Friday online sales that just passed were equally hot and cold, and most sellers’ order volume was quite satisfactory, or even lower than expected.Just like Alibaba and no longer report sales, Amazon’s data has also been repackaged.But on the other hand, in the past two years, emerging low-price platforms have become very popular and achieved significant growth in sales, such as Temu and Shein, and sellers are full of money.

The reason is nothing more than that Black Friday has been going on for N years, and holiday fatigue is one of the reasons.Secondly, after the impact of the epidemic, the wallets of overseas consumers are not as thick as before. Severe inflation and prolonged economic downturn have also restricted the willfulness of foreigners.Therefore, lack of feeling and lack of money jointly dominate this year's overseas retail tone.With the transformation from impulsive to rational consumption behavior, no matter how eye-catching the holiday atmosphere is, no matter how blockbuster the promotional advertisements are, only necessities and only cost-effective products will have a chance to enter the year-end shopping carts of budget-conscious foreigners, which will ultimately allow them to Those who are willing to pay must have a combination of high-quality products and low prices, high-quality supporting services and a good consumer experience.'Buy right, not expensive' has become a trend, and low price is becoming the core standard.

Facing the current market environment, how should we respond?In Fu Rongrong’s view,All kinds of dazzling holiday promotion gimmicks are far less practical than Shen Xin's management. The carnival brought about by hot sales can only last for a while, and long-term success and improved cost-effectiveness are the way to go.The top priority is to focus more on developing products, meeting consumer needs, and enhancing user stickiness.The opportunities after the new round of market reshuffle are for prepared cross-border e-commerce merchants.


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