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Furongrong, the mascot character of the China Cross-border E-commerce Trade Fair
      The exclusive mascot of the China Cross-border E-commerce Trade Fair is "Furongrong". The drawing inspiration from well-known Fuzhou goldfish. Fuzhou goldfish is known for its auspicious meaning of “fortune” and “abundance every year”, which means KWA may help you to make a fortune, and let attendees’ enterprise in abundance every year. The "福" in Furongrong conveys good fortune and blessings, also mentioning the nickname of Fuzhou, "The Banyan City." "融" Represents the integration and symbiosis of the trade fair and the industry.

       The mascot is dynamic, fashionable, vibrant, and full of technological elements. The primary color is goldfish red, infused with elements of "Fuzhou lacquerware" and "ancient coins," symbolizing the prosperity and thriving of cross-border e-commerce. The WIFI symbol in her eyes represents digital technology and the internet. The leaping fish reflects a winning attitude, while the raised hand with a thumbs-up symbolizes the ambition of the trade fair to become the industry leader. With arms outstretched, it welcomes guests from all directions, sharing the industry's bright future.

       "Furongrong" is delighted to bring good luck and business opportunities to friends in the cross-border e-commerce community.
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Official public account
Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center No. 198, Nanjiangbin Avenue, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province
Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Copyright © 2023 China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair Fujian ICP No. 16029097-7