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The General Office of the State Council issued opinions on promoting the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade

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The General Office of the State Council issued opinions on promoting the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade

Recently, the General Office of the State Council issuedOpinions on Promoting the Integrated Development of Domestic and Foreign Trade(hereinafter referred to as the 'Opinions'), makes arrangements to promote the integration of domestic and foreign trade, form a strong domestic market, and smooth the domestic and international dual circulation.

The 'Opinions' require that, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we must fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and all previous plenary sessions of the 19th CPC National Congress, base ourselves on the new development stage, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement new development concepts, and strengthen the drive for reform and innovation. , product benchmarking drive, channel docking drive, subject leadership drive, digital empowerment drive, service optimization drive, promote high-level connection of domestic and foreign trade laws and regulations, supervision system, business qualifications, quality standards, inspection and quarantine, certification and accreditation, etc., and reduce the cost of enterprises Institutional costs of market transformation, improve the ability to coordinate the utilization of two markets and two resources, promote the coordinated development of domestic trade and foreign trade, imports and exports, serve to build a new development pattern, and achieve a higher level of openness and higher quality development.

The 'Opinions' propose that we should adhere to government guidance and market-oriented policies, adhere to reform and opening up, and the connection of rules, and adhere to a systematic concept and coordinated advancement.By 2025, the integrated development level of domestic and foreign trade of market entities will be further improved, the internal and external connectivity network will be more complete, government management services will continue to be optimized, the integrated regulation and control system of domestic and foreign trade will be more complete, and the efficient operation and integrated development of domestic and foreign trade will be achieved.

The 'Opinions' put forward 15 work measures from 4 aspects.The first is to improve the domestic and foreign trade integration institutional system.It mainly includes five measures: improving laws and regulations, improving the regulatory system, strengthening the docking of rules, promoting the connection of standards and certifications, and promoting the same line, same standard and same quality.The second is to enhance the integrated development capabilities of domestic and foreign trade.It mainly includes three measures: supporting the integrated operation of domestic and foreign trade by market entities, innovating the integrated development model of domestic and foreign trade, and strengthening the training and training of professional talents for integrated domestic and foreign trade.The third is to accelerate the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade.It mainly includes three measures: building an institutional highland for the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade, creating a platform for integrated development of domestic and foreign trade, and improving the logistics network connecting domestic and foreign trade.The fourth is to improve safeguard measures.It mainly includes four measures: strengthening fiscal and financial support, carrying out domestic and foreign trade integration pilot projects, giving full play to the role of industry organizations, and strengthening organizational leadership.

The 'Opinions' require that the Ministry of Commerce take the lead in establishing an inter-ministerial working mechanism to promote the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade, and work with relevant departments to strengthen coordination and guidance to ensure the effective implementation of various tasks; each region must study and determine the promotion of integrated development of domestic and foreign trade based on the actual conditions of the region. specific policy measures to achieve practical results.

Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Promoting the Integrated Development of Domestic and Foreign Trade

State Council Office [2021] No. 59

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, all ministries and commissions of the State Council, and all agencies directly under the State Council:

Promoting the integration of domestic and foreign trade is conducive to the formation of a strong domestic market and the smooth flow of domestic and international dual cycles.In recent years, China's domestic and foreign trade integration has made great progress, but there are also problems such as the regulatory system is not perfect enough, the ability to coordinate the use of two markets and two resources is not strong enough, and the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade is not smooth enough. It is still not fully adapted to the construction of a new economy. development pattern needs.In order to thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and promote the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade, with the approval of the State Council, the following opinions are hereby put forward:

1. Overall requirements

(1) Guiding ideology.Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and all the 19th Plenary Sessions, base ourselves on the new development stage, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement new development concepts, and strengthen reform and innovation-driven and product benchmarking-driven , channel docking drive, subject leadership drive, digital empowerment drive, service optimization drive, promote high-level connection of domestic and foreign trade laws and regulations, supervision system, business qualifications, quality standards, inspection and quarantine, certification and accreditation, etc., and reduce the institutional cost of enterprise market transformation , improve the ability to coordinate the utilization of two markets and two resources, promote the coordinated development of domestic trade and foreign trade, imports and exports, serve to build a new development pattern, and achieve a higher level of openness and higher quality development.

(2) Basic principles.

Adhere to government guidance and market-oriented development.Give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, better leverage the role of government policy guidance and public services, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises, enhance the ability of market entities to operate integrated domestic and foreign trade, and stimulate endogenous development momentum.

Adhere to reform and opening up and the convergence of rules.Accelerate institutional opening up, promote institutional and model innovation, gradually advance institutional reform, continuously remove institutional obstacles to the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade, promote the connection of institutional rules, and optimize the environment for the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade.

Adhere to the system concept and promote overall planning.Strengthen the top-level design and overall planning of the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade, base on the present, focus on the long-term, highlight the key points, and improve the institutional system, work system and evaluation system for the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade, and comprehensively coordinate and continuously promote the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade. .

(3) Development goals.By 2025, the connection between domestic and foreign trade laws and regulations, regulatory systems, business qualifications, quality standards, inspection and quarantine, certification and accreditation will be more effective, the integrated development level of domestic and foreign trade among market entities will be further improved, the internal and external connectivity network will be more complete, and government management services will continue to be optimized. , the integrated control system of domestic and foreign trade will be more complete, and the efficient operation and integrated development of domestic and foreign trade will be achieved.

2. Improve the domestic and foreign trade integration system

(4) Improve laws and regulations.Promote and improve the legal and regulatory system that is conducive to the integration of domestic and foreign trade, sort out and promote the revision of laws, regulations, rules and normative documents that hinder the integration of domestic and foreign trade.(Relevant departments and regions are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)Improve the punitive compensation system for intellectual property infringement, increase damage compensation, implement strict intellectual property protection, and increase the enthusiasm of enterprises for innovation and domestic product sales.(The State Administration for Market Regulation, the State Intellectual Property Office and each region are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(5) Improve the supervision system.Benchmark the international advanced level, promote the connection of domestic and foreign trade regulatory rules, promote information exchange, mutual recognition of supervision, and mutual assistance in law enforcement between domestic and foreign trade regulatory authorities, improve the accuracy and effectiveness of supervision, and optimize the domestic and foreign trade business environment.Strengthen anti-monopoly and anti-unfair competition law enforcement, strengthen fair competition review, clean up and correct unfair practices and hidden barriers such as local protection, industry monopoly, and market segmentation, promote the formation of a unified national market, and promote the smooth flow and optimization of domestic and foreign trade resource elements configuration.(Relevant departments and regions are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)Deepen international customs cooperation, strengthen information exchange with trading partners on technical trade measures, port supervision, product compliance, etc., promote international online verification of inspection and quarantine certificates, actively and steadily promote the acceptance of third-party product inspection results, and improve customs clearance and financial settlement. , The level of tax convenience.(The General Administration of Customs, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and each region are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(6) Strengthen the docking of rules.Strengthen international cooperation in frameworks and multilateral mechanisms such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization, and actively participate in the formulation of international rules.Promote the implementation of the free trade area promotion strategy and negotiate and sign free trade agreements with more trading partners.Strengthen the connection between domestic market rules and internationally accepted trade rules, do a good job in trade policy compliance, implement higher standard rules in trade liberalization and facilitation, intellectual property protection, e-commerce, tendering and bidding, government procurement, etc., and better connect domestic International market to promote enterprises to expand domestic and foreign trade business.(The Ministry of Commerce takes the lead, and the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Customs, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the State Intellectual Property Office and each region are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(7) Promote the connection of standards certification.Actively carry out the transformation of domestic and international standards, make up for the shortcomings of domestic standards, improve standard technology levels, and continue to improve the consistency of domestic and international standards.Domestic enterprises and institutions are encouraged to actively participate in international standardization activities, strengthen collaboration with upstream and downstream enterprises in the global industrial chain, and jointly formulate international standards.Support third-party conformity assessment service agencies such as inspection and testing, certification and accreditation to provide one-stop services for domestic and foreign trade enterprises, and encourage the international development of third-party conformity assessment service agencies.Deepen international cooperation under the framework of the joint construction of the 'Belt and Road' initiative and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, and promote the continuous improvement of the international mutual recognition of conformity assessment agencies and intergovernmental conformity assessment results.Simplify the mandatory product certification procedures related to export to domestic sales and shorten the processing time.(The State Administration for Market Regulation, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and each region are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)Strengthen the certification and management of green food, organic agricultural products, and geographical indication agricultural products, and improve the quality and safety level of domestic and foreign trade agricultural products.Unify the sustainable forest and grass management certification standards, align with international forest certification standards, and increase the supply of high-quality forest and grass products for domestic and foreign trade.The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the State Forestry and Grassland Administration and each region are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(8) Promote the same line, same standard and same quality.Promote domestic and foreign trade products of the same line, same standard and same quality (hereinafter referred to as 'three identicals'), drive related domestic industries to accelerate quality improvement and upgrade, and optimize the supply and demand structure.Enterprises are encouraged to make self-declarations that their products meet the 'Three Same' requirements, or entrust third-party agencies to conduct quality evaluations based on the 'Three Same' requirements.Build a 'three-to-one' public service platform and strengthen the function of serving enterprises.Strengthen the publicity and promotion of 'Three Tong' enterprise and product information to increase consumer awareness.(The State Administration for Market Regulation, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Commerce and each region are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

3. Enhance the integrated development capabilities of domestic and foreign trade

(9) Support the integrated operation of domestic and foreign trade by market entities.Encourage qualified large-scale commercial and logistics enterprises to 'go global', strengthen the integration and allocation of resources, optimize the international marketing system, and improve the global service network.Support the development of large-scale multinational supply chain service enterprises, improve international competitiveness, and enhance the resilience of industrial and supply chains.Cultivate a group of high-quality trading enterprises that synergize and promote domestic and international markets, have strong innovation capabilities and competitiveness, and guide more enterprises to follow the path of integrated management.Comply with international advanced agricultural product planting and production standards, build a number of high-quality agricultural product planting and production bases, and cultivate a number of modern agricultural enterprises that integrate planting, breeding, production, supply and marketing, and domestic and foreign trade.Increase guidance and services to enterprises and improve intellectual property management capabilities.Strengthen regional brand building and accelerate the cultivation of independent brands.(The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the General Administration of Customs, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the State Post Bureau, the State Intellectual Property Office and each region are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(10) Innovate the integrated development model of domestic and foreign trade.Promote the digital development of domestic and foreign trade, make full use of modern information technology, accelerate online and offline integration, promote the connection of production and marketing, and match supply and demand, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and cultivate new formats and models of domestic and foreign trade.Support innovative developments such as reverse customization (C2M) and smart factories, enhance enterprises' flexible production and market demand adaptation capabilities, and promote the integration of domestic and foreign trade industry chains and supply chains.Solidly promote the construction of cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones, encourage cross-border e-commerce platforms to improve their functions, and better connect with domestic and international markets.Promote the healthy development of cross-border e-commerce retail import standards and enrich product supply.Copy and promote the pilot experience of innovative development of trade in services and improve the level of liberalization and facilitation of trade in services.(The Ministry of Commerce takes the lead, and the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the General Administration of Customs, the State Administration of Taxation, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, the State Post Bureau and each region are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(11) Strengthen the cultivation and training of professional talents integrating domestic and foreign trade.Enhance the adaptability of vocational and technical education, strengthen the integration of industry and education, and school-enterprise cooperation, innovate and promote talent training models such as 'foreign language + vocational skills', explore the apprenticeship system with Chinese characteristics, and promote the upgrading and digital transformation of relevant majors.Cultivate professionals who are familiar with domestic and foreign laws, rules and market environments, further improve the lifelong vocational skills training system, and provide talent and skill support for enterprises to improve their integrated domestic and foreign trade management capabilities.(The Ministry of Education takes the lead, and all relevant departments and regions are responsible according to their division of responsibilities)

4. Accelerate the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade

(12) Build an institutional highland for the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade.Give full play to the demonstration and leading role of free trade pilot zones and free trade ports, promote high-level institutional opening up of high-standard international economic and trade rules, and promote the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade.Give full play to the role of open platforms and industrial clusters such as national economic and technological development zones, comprehensive bonded zones, and cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones, actively explore new models and new measures for the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade, and promote the docking and integrated development of domestic and foreign trade systems and mechanisms. .(The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs and other relevant departments and regions are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(13) Create an integrated development platform for domestic and foreign trade.Improve the level of facilitation of market procurement and trade methods, attract the agglomeration of local characteristic industries, and drive more market entities to expand foreign trade business.Promote the interconnection between key commodity trading markets and foreign marketing networks, cultivate a number of domestic commodity trading markets with operating models that are in line with international standards, and create regional or international commodity distribution centers with distinctive characteristics.Make full use of internationally influential exhibition platforms such as the China International Import Expo, China Import and Export Fair, and China International Fair for Trade in Services to enhance domestic and foreign market exchanges.Promote the construction of national import trade promotion innovation demonstration zones and give full play to the role of promoting imports, service industries, increasing consumption, and demonstrating leadership.(The Ministry of Commerce takes the lead, and the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Customs and various regions are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)Build an export-to-domestic sales platform to support domestic trading companies and foreign trade companies in carrying out direct purchase orders, guide foreign trade companies to accurately meet domestic market consumer demand, and expand the domestic market through multiple channels.(The Ministry of Commerce and each region are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(14) Improve the internal and external logistics network.Strengthen the construction of international air cargo capacity, enhance the competitiveness of international shipping, promote the high-quality development of China-Europe freight trains, and accelerate the facilitation of international road transportation.Guide foreign trade companies, cross-border e-commerce, and logistics companies to strengthen business collaboration and resource integration, accelerate the layout of overseas warehouses, distribution centers and other logistics infrastructure networks, and improve the efficiency of logistics operations and asset utilization.Optimize the urban logistics distribution network and make up for the shortcomings of the 'last mile' of urban distribution.Continue to support the construction of commercial logistics infrastructure in the central and western regions and counties, strengthen collaboration and sharing, smooth the circulation network between regions and urban and rural areas, reduce the cost of domestic and foreign trade commodity circulation, and promote efficient access to domestic and international markets.(The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Transport, the Civil Aviation Administration of China, the State Post Bureau and each region are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

5. Improve safeguard measures

(15) Strengthen fiscal and financial support.On the premise of complying with the rules of multilateral and bilateral economic and trade agreements, we will increase support for the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade.Coordinate and make good use of existing financial support policies to promote the integrated and innovative development of domestic and foreign trade.Financial institutions are encouraged to increase credit support for domestic and foreign trade in accordance with market-oriented principles, and rely on the accounts receivable, inventory, warehouse receipts, orders, insurance policies, etc. of domestic and foreign trade enterprises to innovate financial products and strengthen financial services.Further expand the coverage of export credit insurance and domestic trade credit insurance.(The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the People's Bank of China, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the China Export and Credit Insurance Corporation and each region are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(16) Carry out pilot projects for domestic and foreign trade integration.Carry out pilot projects for the integration of domestic and foreign trade in some areas, comprehensively sort out the list of issues and needs of the integrated regulation and control system for domestic and foreign trade, promote the connection of domestic and foreign trade laws and regulations, supervision systems, business qualifications, quality standards, inspection and quarantine, certification and accreditation, and explore the establishment of The domestic and foreign trade integrated evaluation system will cultivate a number of domestic and foreign trade integrated business enterprises, build a number of domestic and foreign trade integrated development platforms, and form a number of experiences and models that can be replicated and promoted.(The Ministry of Commerce takes the lead, and all relevant departments and pilot areas are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(17) Give full play to the role of industry organizations.Encourage industry associations and chambers of commerce to formulate and publish product and service standards for integrated domestic and foreign trade, and participate in the formulation of national standards, industry standards and related policies and regulations.Actively bring into play the role of third-party service agencies and market intermediary organizations to enhance market-oriented professional service capabilities.(The State Administration for Market Regulation, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce and each region are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(18) Strengthen organizational leadership.All regions and relevant departments must fully understand the importance of promoting the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade, strengthen organizational leadership, improve working mechanisms, implement work responsibilities, and closely coordinate and cooperate.The Ministry of Commerce takes the lead in establishing an inter-ministerial working mechanism to promote the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade, and strengthens coordination and guidance with relevant departments to ensure the effective implementation of various tasks.Each region should study and determine specific policies and measures to promote the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade based on the actual conditions of the region, and promote the achievement of practical results.Major issues must be reported promptly.

Office of the State Council

December 30, 2021

(This article is released to the public)

(Source: Chinese Government Website, Xinhua News Agency)


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