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Talking about brands going overseas, the meshop independent station summit airborne in Rongcheng

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Talking about brands going overseas, the meshop independent station summit airborne in Rongcheng

The China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair will be held at the Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center on March 18, 2022. Meshop will exclusively host the cross-border independent station area, and the Meshop Independent Station Ecological Summit will also be coming soon!

This summit gathered a lineup of expert guests.Guest sharing with constant highlights focuses on DTC, private domain traffic, independent websites, payment, big data, logistics, overseas warehouses, intelligent integrated management, classic cases, etc. that are of common concern to current cross-border e-commerce merchants. The content covers a wide range of topics and is full of depth. Among them, topics such as intellectual property protection, overseas compliance operations, product market access, customs logistics, consumer data collection and privacy protection are full of useful information, demonstrating the high standard, forward-looking and high level of this summit.

This is not only a resource sharing feast for the cross-border e-commerce industry, but also a new journey for brands to go overseas and enter the global market!Come to the China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair on March 18, 2022, and we will take you 'independently' first.


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Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center No. 198, Nanjiangbin Avenue, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province
Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Copyright © 2023 China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair Fujian ICP No. 16029097-7