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Practice inclusive finance and support cross-border e-commerce

Views: 91     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-04-11      Origin: Site

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Practice inclusive finance and support cross-border e-commerce

In March 2022, with the strong support of the Fuzhou Area Management Committee of the China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone and the Fuzhou Cross-border E-Commerce Association, a cross-border e-commerce customer in Fuzhou opened a branch of the China Construction Bank Fujian Pilot Free Trade Zone Fuzhou Area. Successfully launched Shandan Loan business for small and micro enterprises (export cross-border e-commerce customer base).This is a working capital loan that the bank, in conjunction with the Fuzhou Cross-border E-commerce Association, has launched for cross-border e-commerce customers on the Amazon platform, relying on China Construction Bank's innovative product 'Shandan Loan' for small and micro enterprises, tailored for this type of customer group. business, which is one of the free trade businesses that CCB focuses on supporting.

With the rapid rise of 'Internet + foreign trade', the country has also continued to provide support at the policy level. China's cross-border e-commerce industry has accumulated momentum over the past few years. The scale of cross-border e-commerce has achieved rapid growth and ushered in a period of rapid development. 'Golden period'.On January 1, 2022, the formal implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) will bring greater development space and provide more development opportunities for the cross-border e-commerce industry.

Since there are many uncertainties in the foreign trade field, and the cross-border e-commerce industry includes a large number of small, medium and micro enterprises, China's cross-border e-commerce industry is developing at the right time, but it also faces multiple challenges.Due to the ongoing impact of the epidemic, export cross-border e-commerce customers are facing a series of difficulties such as slow payment collection, difficulty in financing, and high capital costs.Most of the traditional banking models determine the loan amount based on the basic information of small and micro enterprises, tax information, business owners' collateral, etc. New business formats and models of cross-border e-commerce cannot be applied to existing bank credit product models.

In the process of continuous exchanges with cross-border e-commerce customers, CCB Fujian Pilot Free Trade Zone Fuzhou Branch actively seeks solutions and has the courage to practice, focusing on the problems of financing difficulties and high costs for cross-border e-commerce customers. Through 'good 'Guaranteed loans' is the starting point, based on multi-dimensional data such as basic information, asset information, operating information, credit information, cross-border e-commerce transaction volume of small and micro enterprises and business owners, using scorecard evaluation methods and adopting relevant systems Batch guarantee provides working capital loan business to small and micro cross-border e-commerce enterprises.Cross-border e-commerce customers can apply for payment through CCB's one-stop financial service platform - 'Huidongni' APP. This APP is the first exclusive mobile financial service APP launched by CCB for small and micro enterprises. The new mobile financing platform is focused on building, integrating functions such as quota calculation, appointment account opening, loan application, disbursement and repayment, index questionnaire, etc. Qualified enterprises can directly apply for loans online, and are also eligible for exporting cross-border e-commerce. The online, convenient and open demand characteristics of the merchant customer base solve the problem of financing difficulties for cross-border e-commerce customers.

Amid the turmoil, old forces are changing, new forces are rising, and the cross-border e-commerce industry is developing in a volatile manner.Recently, China Construction Bank's cross-border e-commerce payment collection service 'Cross-border e-remittance' for the Amazon platform will also be launched simultaneously. As the first state-owned bank to launch cross-border e-commerce payment service, China Construction Bank will Continue to actively explore new forms of e-commerce, innovate cross-border e-commerce financing models, create an ecological chain for cross-border e-commerce customer groups, practice inclusive finance strategies, and use new cross-border e-commerce products and new models to support the development of new foreign trade forms. .


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