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Lots of traffic but no sales?The four unique secret skills will be taken away without any thanks.

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Lots of traffic but no sales?The four unique secret skills will be taken away without any thanks.

Friends of independent websites, have you ever encountered this problem: Does your shopify store attract a lot of traffic but no sales?

There are many merchants who attract a lot of visitors in the early stages of opening their stores, but for some reason... there are no orders!

From the color of the 'buy now' button to the story behind the brand, there are many factors that influence users' purchasing decisions.Once it's clear what's stopping these potential customers from paying, the problem is solved.Don't know where to start?Just follow the editor to diagnose your store.

1. Wrong audience group

A broad and wrong target group can bring you high traffic, but without conversion, it will not bring any results except wasting your time and money.For example, it wouldn’t make sense to launch a teen fashion online store along with selling top-of-the-line reading glasses.

So,How should you define your audience?

Analyze competitors: Dig deeper into their target consumer groups and understand what they have in common.

Determine what problem the product solves: Use the advantages of the product to solve the pain points of consumers.

View target market: Communicate with existing consumers and gain insights from them to develop a deeper understanding of your target market.(Note: Communication here does not mean that face-to-face communication must be arranged. You can send questionnaires or other solutions that allow users to provide feedback.)

2. The navigation bar is complicated and difficult to find.

Statistics show that 75% of users will leave a website if they cannot find what they are looking for within 15 seconds.If a store cannot find or return to a specific page when visiting, this bad situation will result in losing many potential customers.

Now, nearly 94% of users regard the navigation bar as the most important function of the store, so how to optimize it?

For example, set up a first-level column in the top navigation menu to display all products of a brand by guiding to a collection page, or set up a drop-down menu to further subdivide products, such as men's clothing, women's clothing, T-shirts, shorts, etc.

You can also set links to other pages that customers may want to visit before purchasing, such as 'About Us', 'Contact Us', etc.

Navigation at the bottom is equally important.You can set 'Return Policy''Customer Reviews''Privacy Terms' and 'Terms of Service''FAQ''Shipping''Size Guide' etc.

Improve interaction efficiency and user experience by optimizing the navigation page:

First: By increasing the density of keywords in the homepage and other page navigation, more pointing to the content page will help increase the weight of the content page and help search engine optimization;

Second: It is conducive to user experience, allowing users to find links to important content at any time;

Third: You can place a logo or picture to convey the brand concept and deepen the impression. At the same time, place contact information such as contact number, email, address, etc. to facilitate user communication.

3. Page loading speed is slow

If your page opening speed is not up to par, you are losing the opportunity to convert new attention and new users into real transactions and loyal customers.Pages that take too long to load will harm the experience of your store and make users click away without hesitation.Generally your page loading speed should not exceed 3 seconds, otherwise it will not only affect sales, but also SEO, because Google considers page opening speed as an important ranking signal for search.

There are many factors that affect page opening speed. Pay special attention to the following:

Images, videos and media files on the page;

Themes and plugins/applications installed in the store;

Coding and server-side scripting of the website.

4. The checkout process is cumbersome

(source: Baymard)

The average checkout abandonment rate for e-commerce is between 25% and 40%. If the store's checkout process is too complicated, it will be difficult to achieve a high conversion rate.

So how should we optimize the payment process?

Maintain a good ratio between product price and shipping cost: 73% of consumers are more likely to purchase an item if it includes free shipping, and 24% are willing to purchase more items to receive a free shipping offer.

Add Guest Checkout and Social Login Features for Simple Checkout: This is a very effective way to streamline the checkout process rather than forcing consumers to log in to checkout.According to eConsultancy, a quarter of customers leave online purchases due to mandatory registration.

Automate data validation in form fields: Users hate filling out forms as the process can be slow and tedious, leading to higher churn rates.

Provide a clear and accurate order summary: Before users place an order, don’t forget to provide a large image that includes the total number of items, price, discounts, taxes, and delivery information so users can confirm that everything they entered is correct.

Provide multiple payment options: You can set up several payment methods to give users multiple choices when making payments.

In view of the chronic problem of the industry with large traffic but no orders, the above are the four major strategies summarized by industry seniors after going through a lot of pitfalls.Independent websites are a new cross-border e-commerce thing that changes at any time. Only by continuous learning can we keep pace with the times and keep orders rolling in.

China Cross-Border E-Commerce Fair (Autumn) (CCEF)

'Build a platform' to help enterprises explore the cross-border e-commerce market,

Actively find suitable ways to 'pave the way' for enterprises to go overseas smoothly

Exhibition time:November 25-27, 2022

Place:Guangzhou, China Import and Export Fair Complex

organizer:China Foreign Trade Center Group Co., Ltd., Foreign Trade Development Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce, Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd., China Foreign Trade Guangzhou Exhibition Co., Ltd.organizer:China Foreign Trade Guangzhou Exhibition Co., Ltd., Fujian Huiyuan Cultural Development Group Co., Ltd., Fujian Midoduo Network Technology Co., Systems Co., Ltd.,Hangzhou Fanjie Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. (Fanding International Group),Fujian Zixun Information Technology Co., Ltd. (Purple Bird Browser),Zongteng Group,Dianjiang Technology SHOPLAZZA、Shanghai Xinggu Information Technology Co., Ltd.,MoonSeesMengxishi Information Technology,Noah's Fortune

Special cooperation units:Seller's Home, AMZ123

Exhibition introduction:

China Cross-border E-commerce Fair is a cross-border e-commerce fair organized to link Chinese manufacturing and global consumption, integrate the rapidly developing cross-border e-commerce ecological resources, and realize resource integration in the foreign trade, cross-border e-commerce and exhibition industries. , serving global trade and helping companies open up broader markets.The exhibition not only realizes the function of matching transactions, but also brings diverse platforms and full-chain services. Its value-added function is a differentiated advantage that other exhibitions of the same type do not have.With the theme of 'New Momentum for Foreign Trade·New Digital Future' and the positioning of 'Creating a national brand and platform for cross-border e-commerce to serve the innovative development of foreign trade', China Cross-border Trade Fair is committed to optimizing high-quality suppliers and cross-border e-commerce. cross-border e-commerce buyers and platform resources; upgrade high-end forums and activities to create the leading event in China's cross-border e-commerce industry.

Exhibition area distribution and exhibit categories (three major exhibition areas):


Cross-border e-commerce supplier exhibition area

Household daily consumer goods, 3C electronics and healthy living, gifts, stationery and cosmetics, shoes, clothing, textiles, bags, sports and outdoor categories, toys, maternal and infant pet products and comprehensive food, furniture and building materials, gardening hardware, lighting, automobile and motorcycle accessories.


Cross-border e-commerce comprehensive service exhibition area

Cross-border e-commerce platform, information consulting, logistics and warehousing, operation management system, payment platform, digital marketing, insurance and taxation, financial investment, talent training, cross-border institutions, industrial design, etc.


Cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone, cross-border e-commerce industrial park


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Official public account
Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center No. 198, Nanjiangbin Avenue, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province
Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Copyright © 2023 China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair Fujian ICP No. 16029097-7