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Li Keqiang presided over an executive meeting of the State Council to determine cross-cyclical adjustment measures to promote the stable development of foreign trade and make arrangements for the implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement after it takes effect.

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Li Keqiang presided over an executive meeting of the State Council to determine cross-cyclical adjustment measures to promote the stable development of foreign trade and make arrangements for the implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement after it takes effect.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 23: Recently, Premier Li Keqiang chaired an executive meeting of the State Council to determine cross-cyclical adjustment measures to promote the stable development of foreign trade; and to make arrangements for the implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement after it takes effect.

The meeting pointed out that my country's import and export have grown rapidly this year, making an important contribution to stabilizing economic growth.However, foreign trade is currently facing increasing uncertainties, instability and imbalances.It is necessary to implement the deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, follow the requirements of the Central Economic Work Conference, further expand opening up, launch response measures in response to difficulties and challenges, make cross-cyclical adjustments, help companies bail out, especially support small, medium and micro enterprises, and strive to maintain orders and stabilize expectations. Promote the stable development of foreign trade.The meeting mentioned further encouraging the development of new foreign trade formats such as cross-border e-commerce.A comprehensive cross-border e-commerce pilot zone will be added.Cultivate a number of offshore trade center cities (regions).Increase support for the construction and use of overseas warehouses in a market-oriented manner.Optimize the import list of cross-border e-commerce retail goods and expand import categories.


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