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Fujian Province’s foreign trade exports exceeded 1 trillion yuan for the first time

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Fujian Province’s foreign trade exports exceeded 1 trillion yuan for the first time

In 2021, facing the challenges of the severe global situation, the provincial business system implemented precise policies, and the scale, growth rate, and national proportion of foreign trade all hit new highs in the past ten years.The province's cumulative import and export volume in 2021 was 1.84496 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 30.9%.The annual export scale exceeded the 1 trillion yuan mark for the first time, with exports reaching 1,081.65 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 27.7%; imports reaching 763.31 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 35.7%.

In 2021, Fujian Province’s import, export, export, and import growth rates were 9.5, 6.5, and 14.2 percentage points higher than the national level respectively; The share of imports in the country increased from 4.38%, 4.73%, and 3.94% in 2020 to 4.72%, 4.98%, and 4.40%; the incremental export contribution ranks fifth in the country.

Through the implementation of the 'Helping Thousands of Enterprises Grow' action, industrial enterprises are promoted to realize foreign trade 'no-conversion' and small and micro enterprises 'small-scale upgrading', and the vitality of foreign trade entities continues to increase.In 2021, the province has 8,302 new foreign trade entities, 2,352 new foreign trade entities with export performance, and new exports of 95.20 billion yuan, boosting the province's exports by about 11.2 percentage points.

By actively promoting the construction of foreign trade transformation and upgrading bases, 3 new national-level bases were awarded in 2021, bringing the number of national-level bases to 26, ranking fifth in the country.

We continue to deepen market expansion, and emerging markets such as 'One Belt and One Road' have grown significantly.In 2021, Fujian Province's imports and exports to ASEAN, the United States and the European Union, its three major trading partners, increased by 32.5%, 25.5% and 29.5% year-on-year respectively, which were 12.8, 5.3 and 10.4 percentage points better than the country.

In 2021, the province's exports through market procurement were approximately 56.6 billion yuan, an increase of 65%;The province's cross-border e-commerce exports exceeded 35 billion yuan, an increase of more than 2 times.More than 100 overseas warehouses have been set up in more than 30 countries including Europe, the United States, Japan and Russia, with a total area of ​​over 1.5 million square meters.


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