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'Cross-border gas station' In 2022, will it still be feasible to use the distribution model to do cross-border business?

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'Cross-border gas station' In 2022, will it still be feasible to use the distribution model to do cross-border business?

Just a few days ago, Shopee announced that its Mexican site will clear out inactive products starting from December 20, 2021.It is announced that products that have been created for more than 60 days and have no valid orders in the past 360 days will be gradually deleted on Shopee.

This is not the first time that Shopee has announced that it will undergo rectification. As early as July 28 this year, Shopee had issued a notice to conduct an inventory of inactive stores on the platform.

Coincidentally, AliExpress has also issued a series of new regulations in the past few days, which conduct corresponding assessments on merchants' sales volume, sales rate, and service capabilities.The most important one is the higher requirements for the Internet access rate (the Internet access rate for large clothing stores will gradually increase from 5 days to 72 hours), and canceled the rule that a store can publish 3,000 products by default.

2022 is here in a few days. As soon as the news about the two major platforms came out, the cross-border circle was filled with exclamations,To sum up, the current rectification direction of major platforms focuses on4 o'clock

1. Products without valid orders will be deleted

2. Inactive stores will be inspected.

3. Increased requirements for service capability assessment

4. There will be more and more various compliance policies in the future.

After reading the news, many people are concerned: Can the past distribution model continue in 2022?

Will the boots begin to land in 2022?

We have to admit the fact that in recent years, 'violent store groups', 'ERP collection', 'brainless distribution' and 'channel bonus' are topics that cross-border sellers discuss every day - a Business entities open hundreds or even thousands of stores, and each store sells the same thing. If you buy it, I will also buy it. You buy the software for one-click shopping, and I also buy the software for one-click shopping.

But everyone knows in their hearts that this model cannot last long.

If you pay attention to the country's macro policies, you will find that all this has been foreshadowed for a long time.

Think about it, what impression did foreign countries have of 'Made in China' in the past?

It has always been 'cheap labor', 'shoddy commodities', 'factory', right?

After decades of accumulation, this generation of Chinese factories has finally grown up with skilled workers and experienced production experts. Those categories or production companies that occupy a large market share in the world have large, complex but efficient systems. The industrial chain is gradually formed.

The Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, Chengdu and Chongqing and other regions are dotted with various industrial clusters, many of which are national or even global distribution centers for the products and components they produce.The best among them are working hard to gain a say in the global value chain.

At this time, Made in China also began to explore the world, trying to start to have the right to define and price products by virtue of its market share and R&D capabilities.

So you see that this year the advantages of multinational brands are gradually losing, and the rise of domestic brands is not accidental.

In 2016, the State Council announced that May 10th each year is 'China Brand Day'. It has been three years since the birth of China Brand Day.From imitation to innovation, from manufacturing to creation, in the past three years, whether it is people's daily life or facing the end of the industrial chain, it can be said that some Chinese brands are gradually transcending the traditional 'Made in China' stereotype.

Coupled with this wave of epidemics, we took the lead in resuming production, and China's supply chain has a huge opportunity to overtake others.

The country also hopes that Made in China will get rid of theThe inherent impression of 'high quality and low price' has become the choice of consumers around the world with its characteristics of 'easy to use, good-looking, inexpensive and innovative'.

At this time, open the major cross-border e-commerce websites, and the results~Good guys, the products above are still the same 'three-no products' as they were decades ago. This is contrary to the general trend that the country hopes for now.

To sum it up: only fromThe transition from 'Made in China' to 'Chinese Brand' is what the country wants to see.

The recent policies of major Internet platforms are definitely the inevitable result of this trend.

From the perspective of major platforms, starting from 2022, a fair business environment is also what the platforms need.

Large and medium-sized brands need to enter the platform to do cross-border business. As overseas economies recover after the epidemic, cross-border platforms also need to compete with foreign local e-commerce and local retail.In the past two years of the epidemic, overseas local logistics infrastructure has sprung up rapidly. 12-hour delivery and next-day delivery have become routine operations. If cross-border goods are still delivered in the past 30 days, they will simply not be able to compete with foreign local services.So now, various platforms are beginning to improve delivery time and quality in order to adapt to foreign markets that are being taught to be more and more picky.

At this time, if the core position of the platform is still filled with a large number ofDistribution players who do not have the supply capacity''low sales volume' and 'delivery timeliness cannot be guaranteed',Then this e-commerce platform is completely uncompetitive. For sellers on the platform, this is also a normative action sooner rather than later.

Cross-border e-commerce must be a game for mature sellers in the future

The essence and ultimate goal of the recent series of actions by major cross-border platforms is to form healthy market competition, so that stores that have the ability to stock goods and can meet the target consumer experience can develop better.

If you are such a mature seller, you don’t have to worry about various adjustments to the platform, and these adjustments may actually be good news for you.

In fact, many sellers have complained that after investing so much in the brand and refining a few products, they were squeezed out by others using software to distribute goods, and there was no traffic. Why?

A while ago, major cross-border platforms required EPR (extended producer responsibility,Environmental protection number required to be registered in France), in accordance with the emerging market access conditions in Europe and the United States, the platform will also take action. In the future, cross-border e-commerce must be a game for mature sellers, because small sellers are faced with the ever-changing international environment. Not very adaptable.

So we must recognize this major trend:

Branding and compliance are definitely the major trends in cross-border e-commerce in the future. Another point is that you must have supply chain advantages.

After these two years of e-commerce education, foreign users will become more and more picky. Based on their consumption experience, it is predicted that major platforms will make corresponding rule adjustments in 2022. In this regard, everyone had better be prepared. .


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