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Cross-border e-commerce has added new force, and 27 places have been approved to add new cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones

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Cross-border e-commerce has added new force, and 27 places have been approved to add new cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones

State Council on consent

In 27 cities and regions including Ordos

Approval for the establishment of a cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone

Guohan [2022] No. 8

The People's Governments of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province, Anhui Province, Jiangxi Province, Shandong Province, Hubei Province, Guangdong Province, Sichuan Province, Yunnan Province, Shaanxi Province, and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Ministry of Commerce:

Your request for instructions on establishing a comprehensive pilot zone for cross-border e-commerce has been received.The reply is now approved as follows:

1. Agree to open in Ordos City, Yangzhou City, Zhenjiang City, Taizhou City, Jinhua City, Zhoushan City, Ma'anshan City, Xuancheng City, Jingdezhen City, Shangrao City, Zibo City, Rizhao City, Xiangyang City, Shaoguan City, Shanwei City, and Heyuan City 27 cities and regions including Yangjiang City, Qingyuan City, Chaozhou City, Jieyang City, Yunfu City, Nanchong City, Meishan City, Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Baoji City, Kashgar Prefecture, and Alashankou City have established cross-border e-commerce comprehensive The pilot zones are named China (city or region name) Cross-border E-Commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone. The specific implementation plans are issued by the provincial people's governments where they are located.

2. The construction of the Cross-border E-Commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone (hereinafter referred to as the Comprehensive Pilot Zone) shall be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and all previous plenary sessions of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and in accordance with the decisions of the Party Central Committee and the State Council. Deploy, adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, adhere to innovation-driven development, replicate and promote the mature experience and practices of the first five batches of comprehensive pilot zones, and give full play to Cross-border e-commerce plays a positive role in assisting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and promoting the digital development of industries. It guides the healthy, sustainable and innovative development of cross-border e-commerce, and goes all out to stabilize the fundamentals of foreign trade and foreign investment and promote high-quality development of trade.At the same time, it is necessary to ensure national security, network security, data security, transaction security, national biosecurity, import and export commodity quality and safety, effectively prevent transaction risks, protect personal information rights and interests, adhere to standards in development, develop in standards, and provide services for all types of products. Market entities participate fairly in market competition to create a good business environment.

3. The people's governments of the relevant provinces (autonomous regions) must effectively strengthen the organizational leadership for the construction of the comprehensive pilot zone, improve mechanisms, clarify the division of labor, and implement responsibilities, and vigorously, orderly and effectively promote the construction and development of the comprehensive pilot zone.In accordance with the pilot requirements, the specific implementation plan must be improved as soon as possible and organized and implemented.It is necessary to further refine the pilot tasks, highlight key points, drive innovation, give full play to the decisive role of the market in allocating resources, better play the role of the government, effectively guide social resources, rationally allocate public resources, and solidly promote the construction of comprehensive experimental zones.It is necessary to establish and improve the cross-border e-commerce information management mechanism and provide relevant electronic information in a timely manner according to the management needs of relevant departments.It is necessary to regularly submit work plans, pilot experiences and results to the Ministry of Commerce and other departments, and strive to achieve new progress and breakthroughs in improving the institutional mechanisms for promoting the development of cross-border e-commerce and promoting the construction of supporting support systems.Important policies and major construction projects involved in the construction of each comprehensive pilot zone must be submitted for approval in accordance with prescribed procedures.

4. Relevant departments of the State Council should strengthen coordination, guidance and policy support for the comprehensive pilot zone in accordance with the division of functions, and effectively play the demonstration and leading role of the comprehensive pilot zone.In accordance with the principle of encouraging innovation, adhere to a problem-oriented approach, strengthen coordination and cooperation, focus on exploring and innovating in technical standards, business processes, supervision models and information construction related to cross-border e-commerce business-to-business (B2B) methods, and research and publish more Support measures to create a good environment for the development of the comprehensive pilot zone and better promote and standardize the development and growth of the cross-border e-commerce industry.It is necessary to further improve the cross-border e-commerce statistical system and implement supporting policies such as exemption of value-added tax and consumption tax for cross-border e-commerce retail export goods in the comprehensive pilot zone as required. Enterprises can choose to assess and collect corporate income tax. The required cities (regions) where the comprehensive pilot zones are located will automatically apply cross-border e-commerce retail import pilot policies to support enterprises in co-building and sharing overseas warehouses.The Ministry of Commerce should take the lead in overall coordination, tracking analysis and guidance services, establish and improve the evaluation and exit mechanism, conduct regular evaluations, promote the survival of the fittest, and work with relevant departments to promptly summarize and promote pilot experience, and report major issues and situations to the State Council in a timely manner.

State Council

January 22, 2022

Index number: 000014349/2022-00005
Theme classification: commerce, customs, tourism oreign economic and trade cooperation
Issuing authority: State Council
Date of writing: January 22, 2022
title:The State Council’s approval for the establishment of cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones in 27 cities and regions including Ordos
Document number: Guohan [2022] No. 8
Release date: February 8, 2022


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