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[China Cross-border Trade Fair] Cross-border short news, focusing on cross-border affairs

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[China Cross-border Trade Fair] Cross-border short news, focusing on cross-border affairs

Five minutes a week to know everything about cross-border travel.Let’s take a look at what’s new in the cross-border e-commerce circle?

Policy Services

Here are 10 new measures to optimize and implement epidemic prevention and control!Cross-border e-commerce may welcome favorable policies again

December 7,The State Council issued 'New Ten Articles to Further Optimize Epidemic Prevention', which mentioned that nucleic acid testing should be further optimized. Nucleic acid testing for all employees will not be carried out according to administrative regions. Except for special places such as nursing homes, negative nucleic acid test certificates and health codes are not required. People traveling across regions will no longer be required to check negative nucleic acid test certificates.

The release of new policiesTaiwan is another major benefit to the cross-border e-commerce industry.The manufacturing industry will be revitalized, the logistics supply chain will be smoother, and sellers can boldly seek more cooperation across regions, which will be conducive to the steady development of cross-border e-commerce.

In the first 11 months of this year, my country’s trade in goodsTotal export value 38.34 trillion yuan

The latest data from the General Administration of Customs show that in the first 11 months of this year, my country’s total import and export value of goods trade was 38.34 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.6%.Among them, exports were 21.84 trillion yuan, an increase of 11.9%;

Platform trends

TikTokShop Black Friday GMV increased by 126%

TikTok Shop's Black Friday sales season has come to an end, and the official 'Black Friday Battle Report' has been announced.Data shows that from November 21 to November 28, during the entire event, TikTok e-commerce cross-border GMV increased by 126%, and order volume increased by 138%.The Black Friday promotion season has driven TikTok Shop's cross-border e-commerce's first 'global year-end promotion season' to continue to gain popularity, driving cross-border business for maritime merchants to reach new heights.

TikTokok has been downloaded 4 billion times in the United States in the past four years

The New Consumer partnered with Coefficient Capital to release the 2023 Social Media Trends Report, which surveyed more than three thousand U.S. consumers in November 2022, focusing on the Generation Z group.Reports show that TikTok has been downloaded 4 billion times in the United States in the past four years, and this year TikTok is expected to further lead its competitors in terms of downloads in the United States.TikTok downloads have been ahead of Facebook for two years, surpassing Instagram in 2018.According to statistics, 30% of TikTok Android users open TikTok every day; only 6% of users only access TikTok once a month.

AliExpressFrom next year, the Russian overseas warehouse Cainiao distribution freight quotation will be adjusted.

Express has released the 'Announcement on Adjustment of Russian Overseas Warehouse Cainiao Distribution Freight Quotation'.Starting from January 1, 2023, AERU overseas warehouse Cainiao promises to deliver (hereinafter referred to as promised), AERU overseas warehouse Cainiao official distribution (hereinafter referred to as official distribution), AE Russia official overseas warehouse distribution (hereinafter referred to as Russian official warehouse distribution), Cainiao last-mile logistics freight quotation plan will be adjusted.

quick saleTong platform launchedA fully managed service

AliExpress platform isWe are upgrading merchant services to help merchants achieve 'easy overseas expansion'.

In the past year, AliExpressAliExpress has accelerated the improvement of existing services such as preferred warehouses and overseas warehouses to help merchants improve their logistics experience. Currently, the number of preferred warehouses has increased to 11, and the coverage of overseas warehouses is also wider. On this basis, AliExpress has recently launched another Fully managed services allow cross-border merchants to act as 'hands-off shopkeepers'.

The serviceIt allows cross-border merchants to leave complex tasks such as logistics, operations, and after-sales to the platform, saving a lot of learning and operating costs, and becoming a 'hands-off shopkeeper.'Merchants can focus their extra energy on the products they are better at.

amazon dayThis site will hold a double points promotion

Amazon Japan site releasedThe announcement stated that a double points promotion will be held on December 23, 2022. Sellers must provide buyers with at least 1% of points in more than 80% of the available offers before December 8 and maintain this during the promotion period. Points giving activity.

To participate in thisTo participate in the promotion and sign up for the offer, sellers must update Amazon Points Central by December 8, 2022 and click the 'Update All Listings' button.

Amazon launchesSimilar to TikTok, buyers can 'shopping while watching videos'

Amazon has announced a newA new feature for 'Inspire', which is similar to TikTok and allows buyers to shop through videos and pictures within the app.It is reported that this feature will be launched to some US customers in early December and will be available to all US users in the following months.

Amazon has long used static product images and descriptions to create unified product listings and push products based on customer preferences.However, since more than 25% of Amazon buyers stay for less than 3 minutes, Amazon needs toFind ways to keep buyers’ attention.

ShopeeInfringing Product Policy Update

ShopeeAnnouncement: In order to provide buyers with a better shopping experience, the Shopee platform will check the seller's listing of goods every week. If the seller posts suspected fake/infringing goods and cannot provide official certificate of authenticity/authorization, the goods will be deleted. This will result in penalty points and even the store being frozen.

Shopee launches 12.12 birthday promotion

The e-commerce platform Shopee announced that its 12.12 birthday sale has officially kicked off.This time on 12.12, Shopee supportsTo continue to benefit consumers, we will launch multiple free shipping privileges, value coupons and other benefits based on the online shopping habits of the local market, and add color to the promotion through entertainment and interactive games such as Shopee Live and Shopee Prizes.In addition, during the 12.12 Birthday Sale, Shopee has specially upgraded operations, marketing, infrastructure and other services to provide strong support for cross-border sellers to enjoy the closing bonus.

eBay drumSellers are encouraged to ship using USPS for fast delivery during the holiday season

eBay drumDuring the holiday season, sellers and buyers use USPS to ship packages for faster delivery of Christmas gifts.An ad message is displayed at the top of the homepage, which reads: 'Starting today you will receive free holiday shipping from USPS, so hurry up and click ship.'Click on thisAfter the ad, the user will be directed to the USPS store’s login page.The USPS says on the page that it will provide free Priority Mail and Priority Mail Express boxes to make it easy to identify and ship gifts this holiday season.


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Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center No. 198, Nanjiangbin Avenue, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province
Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Copyright © 2023 China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair Fujian ICP No. 16029097-7