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When Amazon meets cross-border trade, they said this in Anxi

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When Amazon meets cross-border trade, they said this in Anxi

'Trendy industries go overseas, goods are sold globally' Amazon Global Store Fujian Industry Cross-Border Series Salon (Anxi Special) was held in the Third Hall of Anxi on the morning of February 15th. More than 60 and nearly 100 rattan iron craft practitioners participated Salon.This event was guided by the County Industry, Information and Commerce Bureau, County Industrial Association, and County Rattan Iron Craft Center, and hosted by the County Home Crafts Chamber of Commerce, the County Home Crafts Chamber of Commerce E-commerce Branch, Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd., and Amazon Global Store.Lin Peirong, deputy director of the County Industry, Information and Commerce Bureau, Wu Jinfang, deputy director of the County Industrial Association, Huang Lianfu, president of the County Home Crafts Chamber of Commerce and other relevant department leaders, Cui Junning, the market and strategic development manager of Amazon Global Store Fujian District, and Amazon Global Store Key Account Senior Manager Michael, Amazon Global Store Enterprise Key Account Manager Allen, Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Jin Jing and other guests attended the event.

The event site analyzed the current development status and situation of cross-border e-commerce for enterprises, and provided an in-depth analysis of the key points and experience summaries for enterprises to use Amazon to develop cross-border e-commerce, as well as related practical demonstrations. It also shared Amazon’s role in enterprises in 2023. The latest policies on support and the latest information from the China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair, and on-site consultations are set up to answer questions for enterprises.

'How can traditional enterprises prepare in advance for their cross-border transformation in 2023?'》Cui Junning

Direct access to millions of corporate users, opening up a blue ocean of trillions of cross-border business purchasesMichael

Sharing of policies for traditional foreign trade or factories to enter Amazon in 2023, and recommendations for the latest selection of Anxi furniture and home products》Allen

Companies participating in the training:

The content of this training was highly targeted and practical, and it also strengthened their confidence and determination to explore cross-border development.


It is hoped that through the event, the development of Anxi’s cross-border e-commerce and the digital construction of foreign trade will be better promoted, the assistance and professional talent cultivation for Anxi’s high-quality products and enterprises’ cross-border development will be further increased, and the competitiveness of foreign trade enterprises will be enhanced.

Anxi County Industry, Information and Commerce Bureau:

Through cooperation with cross-border e-commerce websites such as Amazon and Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd., we will continue to provide high-quality training and promotion, so that more companies can effectively use the new cross-border e-commerce model to explore overseas markets and grow bigger. The export scale will make new contributions to promoting the development of Anxi County's foreign trade industry and better cope with the new pattern of global trade.


Official public account
Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center No. 198, Nanjiangbin Avenue, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province
Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Copyright © 2023 China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair Fujian ICP No. 16029097-7