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The industry's call to vigorously develop cross-border e-commerce 'independent station' business has attracted the attention of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

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The industry's call to vigorously develop cross-border e-commerce 'independent station' business has attracted the attention of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

Recently, reporters learned from the Fuzhou Municipal Committee of the Democratic Republic of China that Deng, vice president of the Fujian Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export, vice president of the Fujian Provincial E-Commerce Promotion Association, secretary-general of the Fuzhou Cross-border E-Commerce Association, and general manager of Fujian Midoduo Network Technology Co., Ltd. The information 'Recommended to vigorously develop the 'independent station' business to assist the development of my country's cross-border e-commerce industry' written by Hai was adopted by the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Central Committee of the Democratic National Construction Association, and the Fujian Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in the third quarter of 2022. The information also won the Fujian Provincial Committee of the Democratic National Construction Association 'Good news on social conditions and public opinion in 2021-2022'.

In recent years, my country's cross-border e-commerce has developed rapidly and has become a new format and model for foreign trade development.Information believes that the independent station model represents the higher level and future direction of cross-border e-commerce B2C and has become an important channel for brands to go overseas. It is expected that the next few years will still be a growth dividend period for the independent station business.This model is not only conducive to precise marketing of corporate brands and breaking through overseas market constraints, but will also greatly promote cross-border e-commerce to achieve high-quality development through the combination of 'supply chain + overseas warehouse + independent station'.

Currently, faced with the common problems of companies that are eager to survive and lack data analysis and brand operation capabilities, as well as the current situation of independent station models with few talents, high investment, difficult skills, and slow results, the information proposes to help companies cope with difficulties and make cross-border e-commerce more accessible. For enterprises to achieve transformation and upgrading and new leaps and bounds, local governments can 'fully conduct research, carry out small-step pilot projects, and promote in a timely manner' and comprehensively introduce favorable policies. The first is to create leading benchmarks through government support, set examples for learning, and promote successful experiences; the second is to Concentrate efforts to achieve key breakthroughs in blue ocean countries such as RCEP; third, formulate special policies, set up independent business incubation bases, strengthen professional talent training, select high-quality service providers to take the lead in participating, and cultivate more suitable industry soil.


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