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The China International Trade Fair Organizing Committee entered the Liling Ceramics Industry Belt to help the industry’s characteristics go global

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The China International Trade Fair Organizing Committee entered the Liling Ceramics Industry Belt to help the industry’s characteristics go global

Speaking of Liling, everyone knows that it is well-known as the 'Porcelain City' and has huge advantages in resources, technology and talents in ceramics.On January 9, 2022, the Organizing Committee of the China Cross-Border Trade Fair also went to Liling, Hunan Province to visit enterprises in the local ceramic industry belt. Focusing on the issue of close integration of the industrial layout in 2022 with the current cross-border e-commerce market situation, they conducted in-depth discussions on how to accelerate enterprises. Transformation to promote better development of enterprises.

Liling Ceramics Industry Belt relies on its industrial and scientific talent advantages to vigorously develop high-tech industries while upgrading traditional industries, striving to create brand industries, brand enterprises and brand products, and drive the development of related industries to form a market system that is in line with international standards. Guide enterprises to move from traditional manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing, high-end manufacturing, and green manufacturing, and develop 'ceramics +' new business models.

Ceramics is Liling's traditional advantageous industry. There are currently more than 650 upstream and downstream enterprises in the ceramic industry. The products cover three series of daily porcelain, industrial ceramics and artistic porcelain, and more than 4,000 varieties, which are sold well at home and abroad.Closely following the positioning of 'International Ceramics Capital', we will integrate and optimize the allocation of various development resource advantages, promote the integration and agglomeration of the industrial chain, and rely on existing leading enterprises to establish or introduce clay, molds, glazes, pigments, Equipment and other specialized enterprises, promote the professional division of labor within the ceramic industry, and create a global mid-to-high-end ceramic industry value chain.

The Organizing Committee of the China International Trade Fair established good relationships with high-quality manufacturers by visiting the Liling Ceramics Industry Belt, and conducted exchanges and discussions on recent development plans and needs, high-quality products, etc.

Chen Danfeng, a representative of the China Cross-border Trade Fair Organizing Committee, gave a presentation to local ceramic companies and invited all companies to participate in the China Cross-border Trade Fair to provide more high-quality supply channels for cross-border sellers to select products and help cross-border e-commerce go overseas.

In the future, China International Trade Fair will continue to work hard to move forward, gain a deeper understanding of the pain points of enterprise development and transformation, adhere to services to achieve accurate matching between suppliers and buyers, seek mutual benefit and win-win, develop together, and live up to the support and trust given by enterprises.


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