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The 2022 Fuzhou Municipal Government Work Report is released to successfully host the 2023 China International Trade Fair

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The 2022 Fuzhou Municipal Government Work Report is released to successfully host the 2023 China International Trade Fair

Government work report (partial excerpts)

Mayor Wu Xiande made a government work report to the conference on behalf of the municipal government.Photo by Ye Yibin

Dear representatives:

Now, on behalf of the Fuzhou Municipal People's Government, I would like to report to the General Assembly on the work of the government for deliberation and invite members of the CPPCC City Committee to put forward their opinions.

1. Work review in 2022

2022 is a very unusual and extraordinary year.The successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out the direction and established a guide for action for the development of the cause of the party and the country in the new era and new journey and the realization of the second centenary goal.On the 30th anniversary of the implementation of the '3820' strategic project that General Secretary Xi Jinping personally planned for Fuzhou, Fuzhou has stood at a new historical starting point and is striding forward on a new journey.

Industrial quality and efficiency are steadily improving.We carried out the special action of 'Project Implementation Year' and implemented 488 industrial projects such as CCCC Haifeng Wind Power and Quanteng Medical CT Manufacturing Base, started construction of 280 industrial projects such as Wanjing Petrochemical and Furongyuan Aluminum Profiles, and completed the construction of Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant There are 187 industrial projects such as Unit 6 and Dadonghai Production Capacity Replacement.The special action of 'Supporting leading industrial enterprises to grow their industries' was launched, and the output value of 136 leading industrial enterprises increased by 8.5%.Implement the deepening reform action for the standardized construction of industrial (industrial) parks, launch the 'four batches' relocation and transformation of industrial enterprises in the central city, and optimize the functional layout of the industrial parks in the central city.The 'Chain Leader System' was implemented in 16 key industrial chains, 220 industrial chain projects were introduced, and 57 chain master enterprises achieved an output value of 370.8 billion yuan, an increase of 10.2%.The 'Rongsheng Plan' and 'Rongteng Plan' were implemented, adding 260 industrial enterprises above designated size and 5 listed companies.The special action of 'Thousands of Cadres Joining Thousands of Enterprises' was carried out to coordinate and solve 7,797 enterprise problems.Promote the construction of Southeast Automobile City and introduce Chery Automobile to carry out strategic cooperation with Southeast Automobile.Accelerate the construction of a national logistics hub for business and trade services. The modern logistics city has launched the construction of 21 projects such as Jingdong Supply Chain and Mintian International Logistics Center, and has been selected as a national supply chain innovation and application demonstration city.More than 1,000 new business and trade service companies have been added to the above-mentioned limit.More than 2,000 consumption promotion activities such as 'Hui Ju Rongcheng·Fujian Business Travel' were carried out, and more than 1 billion yuan in consumer coupons were issued.22 new pilot communities of quarter-minute convenient living areas were built.Commercial complexes such as Fuzhou Vientiane City and Yantaishan Walking Street were opened.The 2022 Spring China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair was held, and cross-border e-commerce import and export sales increased by 59.8%.

2. Work arrangements for 2023

Fellow representatives, according to the unified deployment of the Municipal Party Committee, the overall requirements for the work of the Municipal Government this year are: guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party, and in accordance with the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Provincial Party Committee and the 12th Municipal Party Committee The deployment of the Fourth Plenary Session of the session closely adheres to the important requirements of the 'four greater', solidly promotes Chinese-style modernization, adheres to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, completely, accurately and comprehensively implements the new development concept, and actively serves and integrates into the new development pattern, better coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, better coordinate development and security, adhere to the essence of the '3820' strategic engineering thought, draw a blueprint to the end, promote high-quality development in an all-round way, and become bigger, better, and stronger The provincial capital, accelerate the construction of a modern international city, focus on stabilizing growth, stabilizing employment, and stabilizing prices, promote the overall improvement of economic operations, achieve effective improvement in quality and reasonable growth in quantity, and strive to take the lead in the construction of New Fujian in the new development stage .

The main expected goals for the city's economic and social development this year are: regional GDP growth of approximately 6.5%, industrial added value above designated size growth of 6.8%, local general public budget revenue growth of 5.5%, fixed asset investment growth of 6%, and total retail sales of consumer goods growth of 10%. %, the growth of total exports is not lower than the provincial average, the actual use of foreign capital is growing positively, the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents increased by 7% and 7.5% respectively, and the tasks of energy conservation, emission reduction and carbon reduction have been completed.

In order to achieve the above expected goals, we must face up to difficulties, boost confidence, optimize epidemic prevention and control measures according to the situation, implement the new coronavirus infection 'Category B B' in a smooth and orderly manner, ensure the public's medical use of medicines, and focus on For the prevention and control of the elderly, groups with basic diseases and rural areas, strengthen the popularization of health knowledge, carefully formulate response plans for infection peaks, focus on maintaining health and preventing severe disease, successfully survive the epidemic period, and ensure a smooth transition and stable social order. .At the same time, we must do a good job in the following nine aspects:

Focus on the real economy and build a modern industrial system

Develop characteristic modern agriculture.We will fully implement the food security responsibility system and build 55,000 acres of high-standard farmland to ensure that grain planting area and output remain stable.We will further promote the revitalization of the seed industry and accelerate the construction of Langqi's 'Vegetable Basket' base and seed industry innovation center.Promote the construction of characteristic modern agricultural (industrial) parks such as the Minqing National Rural Industrial Integrated Development Demonstration Park, support the digital transformation, standardization construction, and brand development of leading agricultural enterprises, and add more than 20 provincial-level leading agricultural industrialization enterprises, provincial-level livestock enterprises, and more. There are more than 10 standard demonstration farms for poultry breeding, and the number of live pigs has stabilized at 1.08 million.Promote the development of the food processing (prepared dish) industry and expand the prepared dish industry bases such as Mawei and Yuanhong.Cultivate the Goldfish e-commerce live broadcast base and build Fuzhou Goldfish City Living Room.Promote the construction of the World Tea Port City and expand the Wuliting International Tea Joint Trading Center.Organize well the China Tea Trade Fair, Fishery Week, Fishery Expo, Fungus Expo and other activities.

Build a new system for the modern service industry.Promote the improvement and expansion of the service industry, strive to add more than 1,000 commercial and trade service enterprises above the quota, and strive to have sales of the wholesale industry exceed 1.3 trillion yuan.Vigorously introduce licensed financial institutions, promote 'insurance capital into Banyan', differentiatedly improve Zhuzifang Fund Port and Mawei Fund Town, support the Municipal Financial Holding Group and Fujian Straits Bank to become bigger and stronger, and strive to add 6 new listed companies .It has held more than 15 international and national exhibitions such as the China International Wine Expo, with an exhibition scale of more than 1 million square meters.Strive to add 15 new headquarters companies and 5 new service industry clusters.Promote the separation of primary and secondary enterprises in large industrial enterprises.Support the development of platform enterprises such as Pupu E-commerce and Digital China.Create a logistics and supply chain platform economic industry chain and strive to achieve sales of more than 600 billion yuan.Continue to successfully host the 2023 Spring China Cross-Border E-commerce FairPromote the return of business of leading enterprises such as Zongteng and Fanding, add 10 new Maritime Silk Road cross-border industrial parks, build 2 new cross-border e-commerce industrial parks, and build a 'buy global, sell global' trading platform.Vigorously develop digital trade and actively create a model city for service outsourcing.

Fellow representatives, a new starting point shows a new atmosphere, and a new journey calls for new actions.We must unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party, and under the leadership of the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial Government and Municipal Party Committee , move forward and work hard tenaciously, adhere to the essence of the '3820' strategic project thought, make the provincial capital bigger, better, and stronger, accelerate the construction of a modern international city, and make new and greater contributions to striving to write a chapter in the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country in Fujian!

Source: Fuzhou Daily


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