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[Talent Matching] Graduation season is coming!One-click solution for school-enterprise talent matching

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[Talent Matching] Graduation season is coming!One-click solution for school-enterprise talent matching

Collegegraduation season

With the vigorous development of cross-border e-commerce, it has become a new window for the upgrading and transformation of many traditional foreign trade and industrial chains, and this has also caused the problem of talent gaps.For graduates majoring in foreign languages, trade and other majors, cross-border e-commerce during the bonus period is one of the main sunrise industries for employment.Cross-border talents are still in short supply for companies, so every year the 'talent grabbing' war takes place as scheduled during the college graduation season.

Enterprises have needs and graduates have needs.As the largest cross-border e-commerce exhibition in China, China Cross-border E-commerce Fair has been committed to providing a series of one-stop high-quality services for cross-border e-commerce companies.As a bridge, as a platform, we have brought together 'goods', we have brought together 'markets', and now, we have decided to try to bring together 'people' to help college graduates and enterprises better connect. , to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

Graduation season is the period of greatest concern for college graduates every year, and it is also a golden period for companies to look for talents.During this period, China Cross-border Trade Association has thought about what the industry wants, provided universities with the opportunity to release information for free, and built a channel for matching talents between universities and enterprises between enterprises and graduates.Through this platform, companies can more accurately find talents that meet their needs, and graduates can more easily understand company recruitment information to better plan their career development.

With the goal of building a talent matching channel between schools and enterprises, it has built a more convenient communication platform for universities, graduates and enterprises.It is believed that with the help of China Cross-border Trade Fair, graduates and companies can more smoothly match talents and positions, injecting new vitality into the development of China's cross-border e-commerce industry.


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