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Sincerely invites all parties to seek common development - the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce encourages enterprises to actively participate in the 2022 Cross-border Trade Fair (Autumn)

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Sincerely invites all parties to seek common development - the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce encourages enterprises to actively participate in the 2022 Cross-border Trade Fair (Autumn)

On the morning of October 25, the 2022 China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair (Autumn) and the Amazon Global Store Export Cross-Border E-commerce Industry Cluster Development Report Release Media Exchange Conference were held in Guangzhou.The meeting introduced the relevant situation of the 2022 Cross-border Trade Fair and released the '2022 China Export Cross-border E-commerce Industry Cluster Development White Paper'.Li Jing, Level 2 Inspector of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce, and Xiao Shaoxi, Deputy Director of the E-Commerce Division of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce attended the exchange meeting.

In his speech, Li Jing introduced in detail the development of cross-border e-commerce in Guangdong and the support of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce to the 2022 China Cross-border E-commerce Fair (Autumn).

Guangdong Provincial Department of CommerceInspector II

Li Jing

Li Jing said that with the country’s attention and support and the correct leadership of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, Guangdong’s cross-border e-commerce has achieved sustained and rapid development.Since Guangzhou and Shenzhen were approved as cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones in 2016, Guangdong's cross-border e-commerce imports and exports have grown at an average annual rate of over 70%, and the current total cross-border e-commerce imports and exports have exceeded 300 billion yuan.At the beginning of this year, full coverage of 21 prefecture-level comprehensive test areas was achieved, ranking first in the country in terms of number of comprehensive test areas.In September this year, 'Guangdong Province vigorously develops cross-border e-commerce to accumulate new momentum for foreign trade development' was listed as a typical experience and practice in the ninth major inspection by the State Council and was notified and commended.

In recent years, Guangdong has taken multiple measures to promote the development of cross-border e-commerce.The first is to improve the cross-border e-commerce policy support system. At the provincial level, policies and measures such as 'Several Policies and Measures to Promote the High-Quality Development of Cross-border E-commerce' have been issued, and prefectures and cities have also introduced relevant policies based on actual conditions; the second is to promote the construction of overseas warehouse layouts. , there are more than 100 overseas warehouse companies in the province, with more than 300 warehouses built, with a total area of ​​nearly 4 million square meters. The province has recognized 22 provincial-level public overseas warehouses.The third is to cultivate and expand market entities. There are more than 100,000 companies engaged in cross-border e-commerce and related services in the province, basically covering the entire cross-border e-commerce industry chain. The province has 36 large-scale cross-border e-commerce industrial parks.The fourth is to accelerate the construction of express logistics network. In 2021, there are 131 internationally licensed express logistics companies in the province, and the volume of international and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan express delivery business ranks among the top in the country.

Currently, in the face of the complex international situation, high global inflation, and the slowdown in international market demand, in order to achieve the sustainable development of cross-border e-commerce in Guangdong, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce is actively promoting the construction of Guangdong's cross-border e-commerce demonstration province , in-depth exploration of cross-border e-commerce system innovation, regulatory model innovation, platform carrier construction, integrated development with industry and regional coordinated development, and strive to build Guangdong into a new highland for cross-border e-commerce innovation and development.Among them, supporting and cultivating cross-border e-commerce exchange platforms is an important part of the construction of a demonstration province.

2022The convening of the China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair (Autumn),It will provide a good communication and cooperation platform for cross-border e-commerce enterprises in Guangdong. The Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce will encourage cross-border e-commerce enterprises in the province to actively participate, conduct in-depth exchanges, pool the strength of all parties, and promote the high-quality development of cross-border e-commerce in Guangdong.

China Cross-Border E-Commerce Fair (Autumn) (CCEF)

'Build a platform' to help enterprises explore the cross-border e-commerce market,

Actively find suitable ways to 'pave the way' for enterprises to go overseas smoothly

Exhibition time:November 25-27, 2022

Place:Guangzhou, China Import and Export Fair Complex

Directed by:Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce, Guangzhou Municipal People's Governmentorganizer:China Foreign Trade Center Group Co., Ltd.,Foreign Trade Development Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce,Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd.,China's foreign tradeState Exhibition Co., Ltd.organizer:China Foreign Trade Guangzhou Exhibition Co., Ltd.,Fujian Huiyuan Cultural Development Group Co., Ltd.,Fujian Midoduo Network Technology Co., (China) Software Systems Co., Ltd.,Hangzhou Fanjie Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. (Fanding International Group)Fujian Zixun Information Technology Co., Ltd. (Purple Bird Browser),Zongteng Group,Shop Jiang Technology SHOPLAZZA,Shanghai Xinggu Information Technology Co., Ltd.,MoonSees dream west stone information technology,Noah's wealth,Beijing Zhuoao Century Technology Co., Ltd.

Industry support units:Hunan Cross-border E-Commerce Association,Shanxi Cross-border E-Commerce Association,Shandong Cross-border E-Commerce Association,Yunnan Cross-border E-Commerce Association,Hainan Cross-border E-Commerce Association,Tianjin Cross-border E-Commerce Association,Chaozhou Cross-border E-Commerce Association,China Chamber of International Commerce Henan Chamber of Commerce Cross-border E-commerce Industry CommitteeHangzhou Cross-border E-Commerce Association,Huizhou City CrossInternational e-commerce industry association,Linyi Cross-border E-Commerce Association,Zhengzhou E-Commerce Association,Haido E-commerce Club

Special cooperation units:Trend-leading conference, seller’s home, AMZ123, trade bank Sihai

Specially invited organizer:Guangzhou Furniture ClubShaoxing Boda Business Exhibition Co., Ltd.

Exhibition introduction:

China Cross-border E-commerce Fair is a cross-border e-commerce fair organized to link Chinese manufacturing and global consumption, integrate the rapidly developing cross-border e-commerce ecological resources, and realize resource integration in the foreign trade, cross-border e-commerce and exhibition industries. , serving global trade and helping companies open up broader markets.The exhibition not only realizes the function of matching transactions, but also brings diverse platforms and full-chain services. Its value-added function is a differentiated advantage that other exhibitions of the same type do not have.With the theme of 'New Momentum for Foreign Trade·New Digital Future' and the positioning of 'Creating a national brand and platform for cross-border e-commerce to serve the innovative development of foreign trade', China Cross-border Trade Fair is committed to optimizing high-quality suppliers and cross-border e-commerce. cross-border e-commerce buyers and platform resources; upgrade high-end forums and activities to create the leading event in China's cross-border e-commerce industry.

Exhibition area distribution and exhibit categories (three major exhibition areas):


Cross-border e-commerce supplier exhibition area

Household daily consumer goods, 3C electronics and healthy living, gifts, stationery and cosmetics, shoes, clothing, textiles, bags, sports and outdoor categories, toys, maternal and infant pet products and comprehensive food, furniture and building materials, gardening hardware, lighting, automobile and motorcycle accessories.


Cross-border e-commerce comprehensive service exhibition area

Cross-border e-commerce platform, information consulting, logistics and warehousing, operation management system, payment platform, digital marketing, insurance and taxation, financial investment, talent training, cross-border institutions, industrial design, etc.


Cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone, cross-border e-commerce industrial park


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Official public account
Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center No. 198, Nanjiangbin Avenue, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province
Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Copyright © 2023 China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair Fujian ICP No. 16029097-7