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Released by the Ministry of Commerce!Run the China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair!

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-06-23      Origin: Site

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Released by the Ministry of Commerce!Run the China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair!

Recently, the Ministry of Commerce issued the 'Key Work List of the Pilot Free Trade Zone (2023-2025)'.Among them, a list of key tasks for the Fujian Pilot Free Trade Zone was announced. Let’s take a look at it -

Fujian Pilot Free Trade Zone Key Work List (2023-2025)

The full text of the notice and

Free Trade Pilot Zone Key Work List (2023-2025)

The content is as follows↓

(Swipe up and down to view)

Editor | Zheng Jiya

Reviewer | Xu Xiao

source | Ministry of Commerce website Fujian Daily


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Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center No. 198, Nanjiangbin Avenue, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province
Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Copyright © 2023 China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair Fujian ICP No. 16029097-7