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People's Daily headlines focus on 'Fujian Answer Sheet' and call China Cross-Trade Fair again

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People's Daily headlines focus on 'Fujian Answer Sheet' and call China Cross-Trade Fair again

Published on the headlines of People's Daily Online on November 30

Work hard, move forward bravely, and write a new era'Fujian Answer Paper'

Fujian's export cross-border e-commerce is remarkable

Fujian has actively implemented the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on supporting the development of new business formats such as cross-border e-commerce, and has achieved remarkable results.In terms of policy, six cities in Fujian have been awarded the title of cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone, and the spark of cross-border e-commerce has become a prairie fire in Fujian.In terms of industry convenience, the Provincial Department of Commerce has innovatively developed the 'Fujian Business One-Click' cloud platform to provide the greatest degree of cross-border e-commerce industry in terms of checking information, doing business, looking for business opportunities, displaying brands, connecting with governments and enterprises, and providing services. empowering support.In terms of industrial belt, Fujian, as one of the three largest online goods manufacturing bases in the country, is one of the fastest growing cross-border e-commerce export centers in the country.In terms of supporting facilities, Fujian's overseas warehouse construction is spread all over the world, with a total area of ​​more than 1.5 million square meters, ranking among the top in the country, and the annual retail value of cross-border e-commerce goods delivered exceeds 100 billion yuan.In terms of national rankings, in the first half of 2021, among the sales rankings of sellers in various provinces in China on the Amazon platform, Fujian ranked third.The 'China Cross-border Export E-commerce Blue Book' compiled by the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences research group shows that in terms of the comprehensive score of the cross-border e-commerce export development index of all provinces in the country from 2019 to 2020, Fujian ranks seventh in the country; in terms of the economic scale index, Fujian ranks first Third in the country.

People's Daily Online reported heavily on the first China International Trade Fair in March

China Cross-border Trade Fair continues to empower cross-border e-commerce in Fujian

China Cross-border E-commerce Fair is a cross-border e-commerce 6P (People, Product, Platform, Price, Profit, Partner) innovative transaction held to link Chinese manufacturing with global consumption and integrate the rapidly developing cross-border e-commerce ecological resources. meeting.The first China Cross-Trade Fair will be held in Fuzhou from March 18 to 20, 2021.With the theme of 'Linking the entire cross-border river basin to build a new e-commerce ecology' and the goal of 'Buying the whole country in one exhibition, connecting the world in one stop', the exhibition is committed to easing the congestion of cross-border trade under the epidemic and promoting The digitalization of foreign trade has been upgraded and will be held again in Fuzhou on March 18, 2022.

The China Cross-Trade Fair was born at the forefront of the industry, grew up under the protection of policies, and fed back the development of the industry.As a national industry event, China International Trade Fair has a large exhibition scale, a high level of exhibitions, a wide range of display categories, a wide range of procurement invitations, many think tank experts, and a complete range of industrial elements.The exhibition gives full play to the advantages of my country's cross-border e-commerce development foundation and resilience. With the joint promotion of the government, enterprises, associations, universities, capital, etc., it is established in Fuzhou, the permanent site of the 'Digital China Construction Summit', and it is a natural progression.


Official public account
Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center No. 198, Nanjiangbin Avenue, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province
Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Copyright © 2023 China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair Fujian ICP No. 16029097-7