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'New momentum for foreign trade·New digital future'--2023 China Cross-border E-commerce Fair (Autumn) concluded successfully

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'New momentum for foreign trade·New digital future'--2023 China Cross-border E-commerce Fair (Autumn) concluded successfully

On August 20, the 2023 China Cross-Border E-Commerce Fair (Autumn) (hereinafter referred to as 'China Cross-Border Fair') concluded successfully in Area A of the Canton Fair Complex.With the theme of 'New Momentum for Foreign Trade·New Digital Future', the China International Trade Fair is jointly organized by China Foreign Trade Center Group Co., Ltd., the Foreign Trade Development Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce, Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. and China Foreign Trade Guangzhou Exhibition Co., Ltd. Hosted by the Expo, the exhibition area is about 40,000 square meters, with three major exhibition areas: cross-border e-commerce suppliers, cross-border e-commerce platforms and service providers, cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot area and industrial park.During the three-day exhibition, cross-border e-commerce professionals from all over the country gathered in Yangcheng to discuss cross-border issues, participate in grand events, and create a cross-border e-commerce carnival.

Each 'silent' data 'speaks' honestly to the industry.According to statistics, a total of 27,811 domestic and foreign professional buyers (33,096 person-times) visited the main venue and branch venues of the exhibition hall for supporting activities, respectively from Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong, Anhui, Guangxi, Hebei, Hubei, Jilin, 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions across the country, including Jiangxi and Chongqing, as well as 10 countries including Russia, India, Malaysia, Peru, and Ecuador, once again showed the world the elegance of the leading cross-border e-commerce exhibition!

Build a high platform with 'gathering'/cohesion

The mainstream platforms gathered at this exhibition and received strong support and high recognition from the cross-border e-commerce industry.Gather the power of everyone to build the 'Chinese Dream' of cross-border e-commerce!Amazon Global Store, Newegg, eBay, Walmart Global E-commerce, Alibaba International Station, Made in China, TEMU, Shein, Douyin Cross-border TK, Shopee, Wish, Global Sources and other well-known domestic and foreign cross-border e-commerce platforms gathered together China Cross-border Trade Fair brings together relevant cross-border e-commerce industry chain service providers such as Meishe, Lianlian, Zongteng, Wanlihui, Fanding International, China Post, US-Europe, Midoduo, Guangdong Global, Hugo Cross-border and so on.

More than 20 cross-border e-commerce industry associations, including the Guangdong Provincial Online Business Association, the Guangdong Provincial Cross-border E-Commerce Association, the Guangdong Provincial Cross-border Commodity Trade Association, and the Shandong Provincial Cross-border E-Commerce Association, serve as supporting units of the China Cross-border Trade Fair, and more than 40 Cross-border e-commerce industry associations from various places organized groups to visit.

Use 'new'/ to add momentum

Focusing on cutting-edge and keeping pace with the times is a distinctive feature of China's cross-border trade fairs.The China Cross-border E-commerce Fair, which has deep channel and resource advantages in the cross-border e-commerce industry, is seizing the opportunities of a new round of technological change and is highly focused on the development and improvement of the cross-border e-commerce industry in the era of technological change.

How to inject new momentum into cross-border e-commerce?Qiu Sheng, vice president of Amazon China and head of Asia-Pacific market and cooperation development of Amazon Global Stores, Liu Buchi, general manager of Google China Agency Management Department, Kang Kun, founder of Dianyiji Technology, Li Yu, public relations director of Zongteng Group and other representatives came to China The cross-border e-commerce development forum expressed their opinions and gained insights into 'new opportunities, new momentum, new technologies, and new changes' in cross-border e-commerce.

With the word 'new' at the forefront, China Cross-border Trade Fair continues to improve its 'new content', dares to be the first in the industry, and uses 'I have what others don't have, and what others have, I have something new' as the yardstick to set the standard for cross-border e-commerce. The commercial industry has built a platform for openness and development, cooperation and exchange, and pushed the industry to new heights.

Leading the forefront of gathering with 'wisdom'/

With 'meeting' as the media and 'wisdom' as the guide, China Cross-Trade Fair is increasingly demonstrating its benchmarking role in the industry.Dozens of themed forums and special forums keep up with the forefront of the industry, including keynote speeches on future trends and sharing of operational practices; while highlighting the new look of the cross-border e-commerce industry, it also provides a platform for corporate brands to showcase themselves. Excellent platform.

The China Cross-Trade Fair closely follows the development trends of industry and technology, and the proportion of cutting-edge scientific and technological content has increased significantly, making it shine at the exhibition site.The concurrent forum closely integrates the industry's strong demand for leveraging technology to achieve upgrading and transformation, grasps the pulse of new technologies, invites industry experts and business leaders in the field of AIGC (generative artificial intelligence) to participate and express their insights, and deeply explores the new ways in which AIGC can empower industry development. The opportunity attracted many practitioners to attend the exhibition in person, and the response was enthusiastic.

The forum is high-level and the content is colorful.Amazon Global Store launched the '2023 Amazon Global Store Global Opportunities for China's Export Cross-Border E-commerce White Paper' at the exhibition site, analyzing the development trends and potential of Amazon's 18 major overseas sites in the world, and building a more balanced and diversified strategy for enterprises. The global layout provides reference and reference, becoming one of the climaxes of the main forum.

Alibaba International Station, Newegg, Global Sources, Shopee, eBay, Made in China, Midoduo, Guangdong Global, etc. respectively conducted special topics on the latest trends in platforms, independent stations, analysis of DTC brand overseas strategies, and big data in overseas consumer markets. share.

Temu's Autumn Product Selection Investment Promotion Conference and Shein's fully managed model docking area provide on-site sellers with quick resource matching and broaden sales channels.At the TikTok Shop special forum 'Follow the trends and grasp the business opportunities behind 1 billion monthly active users', the multi-category leaders of the cross-border Southeast Asia team and the fully managed team analyzed the trend hot spots and operational points of different models and categories.A series of special promotion sessions for service providers and blue ocean platforms will help cross-border e-commerce companies enter the fast lane of development.

'Cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone exchange conference and Deloitte cross-border e-commerce overseas trend report released' Invite representatives of outstanding cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones and related enterprises across the country to discuss the development planning and investment promotion of national comprehensive pilot zones , talent introduction and other topics to empower the cross-border transformation of traditional industries.The 'Deloitte Cross-border E-commerce Overseas Trend Report' released on-site pointed out that it is necessary to speed up the replication and promotion of advantageous models, effectively drive the steady and rapid development of the national comprehensive pilot zones, and better play the demonstration and leading role of outstanding comprehensive pilot zones in various regions.The relevant person in charge of the E-commerce Division of the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce introduced the relevant situation of the Guangzhou Cross-border E-Commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone and shared experience.

Full 'chain'/release activation power

The exhibition hall is crowded with people, and scenes of precise docking of supply and sales are unfolding in turn, reflecting the rich and diverse market demand and showing the vitality of the industry.New products made in China from all over the world will be exhibited at the exhibition, becoming famous all over the country and going to the world.Arlene, vice president of Google Greater China, who came from overseas to attend the exhibition, also expressed his deep impression.

The China Cross-Trade Fair makes full use of its resources and platform advantages, targets hot areas of the industry and market demand, takes transaction effectiveness as an important goal of the exhibition, continuously polishes, expands, and upgrades, adjusts and optimizes the composition of exhibits, and comprehensively enhances category professionalism.More than 60 industrial belts from more than 20 provinces and cities participated in the exhibition. Strong cross-border e-commerce provinces and potential provinces across the country gathered in Guangzhou. Representative companies from various supply chains signed up one after another. More than 1 million new smart products across the country were unveiled. Industry The agglomeration effect continues to amplify.In the industrial belt, there are many emerging categories such as Xining clean energy, Ningde electromechanical, and Dongguan electronics that are just starting to become popular overseas, as well as traditional key categories such as Shaoxing textiles, Yiwu small commodities, Jinjiang shoes and clothing, and Dehua ceramics.The 'China (Guangzhou) Cross-border E-Commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone' booth comprehensively displays the achievements of Guangzhou's cross-border e-commerce 'Two Platforms and Six Systems' to create a superior business environment for an international hub city for cross-border e-commerce.Shanwei jewelry industry held a group display and made a collective appearance, fully demonstrating high-quality products and professional services in the exhibition area with the theme of 'Decoration in Shanwei, Beauty in the World'.

The exhibition is full of enthusiasm, with hundreds of exhibitors. The exhibitors cover the entire ecological chain of cross-border e-commerce such as supply chain, platform, warehousing, logistics, finance and taxation, payment, marketing, software, operations, and talents.China Post, Wanlihui, Zongteng, Fanding and other powerful service providers and new forces in the industry have joined forces to actively present the latest results of cross-border overseas expansion, stimulate market vitality, and play the 'strongest voice' for industry development.The industry belt and DTC-themed activities organized by Fujian Midoduo Network Technology Co., Ltd. were packed with seats. Nearly 10,000 people consulted on independent website marketing, and the business information of the booth was printed one after another.

Features of 'Cloud'/Live Broadcast Exhibition

During the three days of the exhibition, not only were people inside and outside the exhibition hall crowded, but the online live broadcast of the exhibition was also extremely popular.This China Cross-border Trade Fair adopts a new presentation method of 'online and offline dual-line linkage' to present the overall development of cross-border e-commerce through diversified modes such as display, discussion, release, and interaction.'Never stop shopping at a good exhibition, and endless selection of good products!' The organizing committee set up a cross-border live broadcast room to conduct live broadcasts of the entire exhibition visit. 'Cloud' went to the exhibition to directly see the major highlights of the exhibition, and interviewed exhibitors on-site. , allowing netizens to unlock the secrets behind the products while 'traveling' through the exhibition and experience the charm of the exhibition up close.The organizing committee has newly launched the official WeChat mini program WeMeet, so that both on-site participants and off-site audiences can participate in online interactions throughout the process.The exhibition's exclusive 'Highlights' platform instantly collects the latest pictures, texts, and videos of the exhibition, and broadcasts the latest on-site events to online fans immediately.

The official manager of Amazon's global store also met with the audience in the cloud to live broadcast the online shopping exhibition, bringing a series of hot and top product recommendations and introduction to the operation points of the corresponding categories for entrepreneur friends who could not come to the scene.Several national cross-border leading KOLs served as promotion ambassadors for this exhibition. They shuttled back and forth to the exhibition hall to answer questions from off-site visitors and live broadcast every detail of the exhibition. They moved the exhibition to the cloud three-dimensionally, quickly and efficiently, helping enterprises to continue their transactions. Wire.

Since its inception, the China Cross-border Trade Fair has had a wide impact on the industry and has become an important platform for displaying new and high-quality 'Made in China' products and leading cross-border product selection and stocking. With its national level, market depth and technological strength, From the four aspects of 'stabilizing foreign trade, promoting innovation, expanding docking, and seeking development', we are committed to building an industry benchmark event that serves the national strategy and promotes the innovative development of foreign trade, and builds it into the preferred home display and voice platform for cross-border e-commerce rooted in Guangzhou. , trade promotion platform, circulation service platform and city business card, assisting the high-quality development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and radiating the national cross-border e-commerce industry, contributing to promoting the stabilization and optimal structure of foreign trade and serving the construction of an open world economy.


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Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center No. 198, Nanjiangbin Avenue, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province
Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Copyright © 2023 China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair Fujian ICP No. 16029097-7