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Cross-border settlement financial services CoralGlobal Coral Cross-border

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Cross-border settlement financial services CoralGlobal Coral Cross-border

CoralGlobal is affiliated to Hangzhou Mumin Network Technology Co., Ltd. The company adheres to the corporate philosophy of 'integrating resources and gathering the future' and serves customers with the spirit and mission of 'responsibility, compliance, responsibility, innovation'. As a A service-oriented company that cooperates with internationally renowned banking financial institutions to provide cross-border service solutions for cross-border trading companies.At present, it has branches in Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, North America, Europe, Africa, etc., with business coverage in more than 100 countries and regions. It deeply empowers cross-border enterprises with a diversified and multi-dimensional situation and accelerates global development.

Coral Global is a key cross-border e-commerce service enterprise in Zhejiang Province and a member of the China Payment and Clearing Association.It has successively won the titles of 'E Global' cross-border e-commerce quality service project, 'Great Love Zhejiang Merchants Anti-epidemic Heroes', '2020 Digital Intelligence Trade Excellent Financial Service Provider', '2021 Most Innovative Enterprise' 'and other honorary titles.

Global collection

CoralGlobal provides a complete set of safe and compliant localized settlement solutions for logistics service providers, international e-commerce platform sellers, and independent website sellers to help domestic corporate brands go overseas and make global fortunes.

Multiple compliance advantages

Strictly implement domestic and foreign regulatory agencies and bank-level risk control systems to provide safe, compliant and preferential solutions

Multi-currency account system

Support global multi-currency fund settlement and reduce exchange losses caused by multiple currency conversions

Various value-added services

Provide export trade companies with various value-added services such as supplier transfers and export tax rebates to meet the diversified needs of companies and create ecological chain value

Emerging Markets

Differentiated Services

Focusing on emerging markets such as Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, we provide a complete set of safe and compliant local settlement solutions for logistics service providers, international e-commerce platform sellers, and independent website sellers, and open local accounts for customers. Settlement is carried out and payment is supported in the original local currency of each country. There is no forced exchange and no exchange rate loss.

Efficient and convenient

Support T+0 extremely fast arrival, realizing a closed loop of safe capital flow

Support customizing corresponding products specifically for customers

Localized settlement solutions

Support platform


CoralGlobal and Standard Chartered Bank (China) Co., Ltd. launch a one-stop digital import and export foreign exchange settlement/payment solution, focusing on providing cross-border trading companies with more convenient and lower-cost digital cross-border settlement solutions to help companies cope with Difficulties in settlement/payment of foreign exchange in cross-border trade.

Supply chain financial services

Coral Sea is a cross-border supply chain financial smart service solution independently developed by CoralGlobal and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC). With the support of big data risk control technology, it provides loan financing services for small and medium-sized trading companies in the trade process.


Official public account
Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center No. 198, Nanjiangbin Avenue, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province
Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Copyright © 2023 China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair Fujian ICP No. 16029097-7