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A good horse goes with a good saddle, a good talent goes with a good company. China Cross Trade Association will help you recruit quickly, accurately and ruthlessly.

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A good horse goes with a good saddle, a good talent goes with a good company. China Cross Trade Association will help you recruit quickly, accurately and ruthlessly.

A good horse goes with a good saddle, a good talent goes with a good company

As the boss and HR of a cross-border e-commerce company, do you often encounter these troubles?

Talent is the core competitiveness of an enterprise. With the development of cross-border e-commerce, enterprises' demand for talents is also constantly changing.How to find suitable cross-border e-commerce talents has become the focus of the entire industry.

As the largest cross-border e-commerce exhibition in China,China cross trade fairWe have been committed to providing a series of one-stop high-quality services for cross-border e-commerce enterprises.As a bridge, as a platform, we have matched 'goods', we have matched 'markets', and now, we have decided to try to match 'people'.

We recruit companies that need cross-border e-commerce talents, as well as small partners who want to engage in or are currently engaged in the cross-border e-commerce industry, and provide free matching and docking for both parties.

If you are a cross-border e-commerce company with long-term plans and are looking for talents with development potential or practical ability; if you are a master with eighteen cross-border martial arts skills and are looking for an employer to let you show off your skills. , or if you are a recruit who yearns for the rising sun across the border and is willing to pounce without hesitation, then this opportunity must not be missed!


On the platform that we have accumulated a huge number of fans for 3 years, not only are the leading companies in the industry close at hand, but the universities that we cooperate with all the year round are also continuously supplying a large number of high-quality reserves.Let opportunities be within reach and make the future better!Hurry up and contact us with your recruitment information and resume!

ways of registration

RecruitmentSend the company name and location, position information, basic benefits, demand quantity and other information to the email, after being reviewed by the organizing committee, it can be entered into the demand database for matching.

Personal job searchSend your resume, job search direction and other information to the email ya After review by the organizing committee, it will be entered into the supply database for matching.

What are you waiting for?Isn’t it a first-come, first-served platform for China’s cross-border trade fair?By the way, say the important things three times.The first 100 participating companies and the first 100 registered talents enjoyFree all year round,Free all year roundFree all year roundMatchmaking!


Official public account
Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center No. 198, Nanjiangbin Avenue, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province
Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Copyright © 2023 China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair Fujian ICP No. 16029097-7