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55,000 people attended the 3-day event. The 2022 China Cross-Trade Fair concluded successfully today!

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55,000 people attended the 3-day event. The 2022 China Cross-Trade Fair concluded successfully today!



# basic situation

2022China Cross-border E-commerce FairOriginally scheduledHeld on March 18, it was temporarily suspended due to the spread of the epidemic. After the current epidemic prevention and control situation stabilized and improved,61-3Japan in Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Centerrecoverhold.


This exhibition is a cross-border e-commerce professional exhibition 'promoted by the government, jointly operated by government and enterprises, and operated in a market-oriented manner'. It will continue to be hosted by the Foreign Trade Development Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce, the Fujian Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export, and Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Organized by Fujian Huiyuan International Convention and Exhibition Co., Ltd., Fujian Huiyuan Cultural Development Group Co., Ltd., and Fujian Midoduo Network Technology Co., Ltd.The exhibition is guided by the Fujian Provincial Department of Commerce and the Fuzhou Municipal People's Government, with the Fuzhou Free Trade Area Management Committee, Fuzhou Municipal Commerce Bureau, and Fujian Provincial E-Commerce Promotion Association as supporting units.

The 2022 China Cross-border Trade Fair will be held in Rong. It is a concrete implementation of the digital strategy in the field of foreign trade and an important part of Fuzhou's plan to create the 'No. 1 City of Digital Applications'.



# governmental support

After the first China International Trade Fair was successfully held, Yin Li, Secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, instructed, 'Keep up the good work and strive for new features and new progress every year.'This exhibition has received strong support from government departments across the country. In addition to the Foreign Trade Development Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce and Fujian Province, it has also received support from many provinces and cities. The Macao Special Administrative Region has also organized a group to participate in the exhibition for the first time. The exhibition has greater influence and wider support. .During the exhibition, Secretary Lin Baojin, Vice Governor Guo Ningning, and Director Huang Heming led teams to tour the exhibition hall to gain an in-depth understanding of the current development status of cross-border e-commerce and encourage the development of the industry.Vice Mayor Lin Changyuan attended the China Cross-border E-commerce Financial Capital Summit Forum held on the opening day and delivered a speech.






#Exhibition data

As a national professional exhibition,The exhibition area72,000 square meters, the same scale as the first one, with a total of cross-border e-commerce suppliers, platforms, comprehensive service providers, independent stations and other exhibition areas.attractfrom all over the countryMore than 20provinces and cities2More than 000companies participated in the exhibition,Global coverageMore than 50A cross-border e-commerce platform20More than 0 well-known cross-border e-commerce service providers, exhibiting more than one million products covering digital, home, maternal and child, shoes and clothing, auto parts and other cross-border e-commerce hot-selling categories

As the first large-scale cross-border e-commerce industry exhibition to be resumed across the country since the current epidemic, buyers have a very strong need to look for business opportunities offline. 'Long drought brings rain' is a common response from participants.The organizer's attendance expectations for the restart of the offline exhibition are relatively conservative, but the popularity of online registration before the exhibition continues unabated, and the number of admissions to the exhibition remains high throughout the period.With nine provinces and cities unable to attend the exhibition as scheduled due to the epidemic, and the exhibition implementing the strictest epidemic prevention and control measures as required, a total of 55,000 professional merchants visited the main venue of the exhibition hall and participated in supporting activities at various hotel branch venues in the three days.The ratio of attending buyers to booths exceeded 20:1, once again reaching the internationally recognized standard of high-quality professional exhibitions.In the current epidemic situation, exhibitors mostly had moderate expectations for the effectiveness of their participation before the exhibition. However, according to a random survey on the closing day, most of them still had overdue substantive inquiries at the exhibition site, which further enhanced their brand confidence in the China Cross-Trade Fair.

This exhibition is a gathering of leading companies. The supply chain companies participating in the exhibition come from more than 60 characteristic foreign trade industry zones across the country, far exceeding the 33 in the previous exhibition. Over one million new cross-border e-commerce products are on display, making 'Made in China' even more representative. .There are more than 30 industry and business associations from all over the country supporting this exhibition, and mobilizing their members to actively sign up and organize group purchases. Compared with the first provincial industry and business association that only supported this exhibition, this exhibition has a wider radiation range and crosses borders. The influence of the Rendezvous is growing day by day.According to incomplete statistics, more than 40 platforms and service providers on the '2021 China Cross-border E-commerce 'Top 100 List'' participated in the conference.



#Exhibition results

This exhibitionBasically achieved the pre-exhibition reservations'One exhibition to buy the whole country, one stop to connect the world' goal.numerousExhibitors renewed their subscriptions at the exhibition site2023 China Cross Trade Fairbooth.According to incomplete statistics, a total of intended transaction amounts were reached during the three-day exhibition.30One hundred million U.S. dollars.According to the exhibition industry, related peripheral industries1:With a consumption-driven ratio of 10, this exhibitionAfter the epidemic stabilizes, it has effectively promoted thefrom FuzhouTransportation, catering, hotels, retailcommunicationBusiness recovery.As the first project to resume offline exhibitions in Fuzhou after the current round of epidemic, the successful holding of this exhibition will further boost Fuzhou's confidence in the construction of the Southeast Convention and Exhibition Highland.


On-site discussion

this timeAt the cross-border trade fair, it was announced the launch of the 'Fuzhou Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park' and the establishment of the 'Fuzhou Cross-border Trade Special Compensation Fund Pool' with an initial scale of 80 million yuan, which will continue to bring local benefits from a policy perspective. Investment opportunities and flow resources such as goods, information, talents, and funds in the cross-border e-commerce industry can more accurately help enterprises solve their problems, help Fuzhou further expand and strengthen the cross-border e-commerce industry, and attract a group of cross-border trade The establishment and development of enterprises in Fuzhou will promote the improvement and upgrading of the ecosystem and build Fuzhou into a new highland for cross-border e-commerce in China.


The exhibition held the global launch ceremony of Juduoduo, the industry's first comprehensive service platform focusing on cross-border e-commerce services.Juduoduo was born in Fuzhou. Through one-stop solution to various financial, marketing, service, technology and other problems encountered by sellers in the process of going overseas, Juduoduo achieves the goal of 'finding cross-border e-commerce services on Juduoduo and serving cross-border e-commerce.' Ye Shangjuduoduo' has filled the ecological gap in the industry, and innovation has become a rigid need of the industry.


# Concurrent activities

this timeThe exhibition held nearly 30 industry events in total, with professional content and full houses. Even on the closing day, there were still a large number of audiences standing to participate in the forum.On the first day of the exhibition, the China Cross-border E-commerce Financial Capital Summit Forum was held with the purpose of 'finding projects for capital and financing for enterprises'. At the meeting, Deloitte's Blue Book of China's Cross-border E-commerce Enterprises Going Overseas Development was released and held. The 2021 Top 60 Cross-border E-commerce Overseas Enterprises Awards Ceremony was held.Well-known economist Lang Xianping gave an online speech on the theme of 'Technology + Finance + Manufacturing', the new triangular structure of China's economy and cross-border e-commerce, bringing a new industry interpretation to the forum.


A live broadcast area will be set up for the site, and the 'Cross-border Premium Products Online Shopping Festival' and the 'Cross-Border Premium Products Online Matchmaking Conference' will be held throughout the entire process. Through 5 live broadcast activities, nearly a thousand products from more than 300 companies will be displayed. It has been viewed more than 50 million times in total, and has directly facilitated more than 100 companies to reach cooperation intentions online.The official Douyin account and more than 10 online celebrities who were present jointly held the 'Online Shopping Exhibition', connecting online buyers with more than 1,000 suppliers, and the cumulative online exposure exceeded 30 million times.



# publicity report

Innovation Adoption'NetThe 16-character publicity policy of 'grid connection, group planning, concentrated screen swiping, and siphon effect' will be used to conduct three-dimensional publicity through various online and offline channels with the help of soft articles, posters, short videos, live broadcasts, etc., to greatly enhance the visibility of the exhibition.

The exhibition received full coverage from nearly 200 media of various types before and during the exhibition, including People's Daily, China National Radio, Xueqiangguo, China News Service, Fujian TV Station, Fuzhou TV Station, Foreign Trade Development Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce and other countries. Top-level media, industry media, and online media have greatly enhanced Fuzhou's visibility in the national cross-border e-commerce community and created the industry influence of the China Cross-Border Fair across the entire national network.


This exhibitionProduce exquisite brochures, compile and publish industry knowledge popularization book '186 Questions (Independent Station Album)' for on-site distribution.


This exhibitionCooperating with Hainan Airlines, Fuzhou Airlines, Xiamen Airlines and other airlines, as well as hotels such as Century Jinyuan Exhibition Hotel, to provide exclusive conveniences and discounts for exhibition merchantstravel bagmeal.In addition to providing one-stop affordable equipment such as machines and wine for exhibition merchants, it also achieves a '1+1>2' superimposed effect in publicity.


Epidemic prevention and control

Close dockingAnd report to government functional departments regularly, firmly establish the concept of 'epidemic prevention is no small matter', strictly follow the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, set up an epidemic prevention responsibility group with clear structure and responsibilities, formulate plans, and standardize the treatment of exhibitors, purchasers, constructors, and work Personnel, media and other participants will be managed without any blind spots or distinction, and strict measures of 'one test a day' for nucleic acid testing will be implemented without discounts. Additional free nucleic acid testing points will be set up on site regardless of cost, and additional entrance gates will be added. Strictly implement the disinfection of exhibits on site and in the hall, and deploy full-time personnel on site to inspect and urge participants to wear masks, tightening the 'one-vote veto power' for epidemic prevention.




# Highlights

The first is overseas promotion.In the preparation stage of this exhibition, it set an industry precedent, went overseas for offline promotion, and carried out global promotion through multiple online activities.

The second is the blessing of famous actors.For the first time, we have jointly launched an industry blue book with Deloitte to summarize and comment on the current situation and trends of cross-border e-commerce in Fujian, and provide intellectual support for the 'Top 60 Cross-border E-commerce Overseas Enterprises in 2021' list.Lang Xianping, a well-known figure in academic circles, was invited to participate in the exhibition and contribute unique insights into the industry.

The third is the entry of 'newcomers'.This year’s cross-border trade fair brought together more industry players, such as offline retail giant Wal-Mart, which came to set up a booth for the first time, Internet leader Microsoft showed up at the exhibition after announcing its entry into cross-border e-commerce, and TikTok, the top traffic player, has entered the cross-border trade fair.Overseas e-commerce has become the hottest activity.These cross-border forces appeared concentratedly in the cross-border intersection for the first time and became a hot focus.

The fourth is the participation of Internet celebrities.For the first time, a matrix of cross-border e-commerce internet celebrities was introduced for all-round online publicity, accurately conveying the positive energy and influence of the cross-border trade fair in a way that is popular with cross-border e-commerce merchants, mainly young people.

Fifth, the forms are diverse.The first 'Entering the National Industrial Belt' activity with the main purpose of deal matching; introducing the seasonal new product launch conference of cross-border e-commerce hot-selling categories; industry hot spots such as independent websites, RCEP, and compliance became the theme of special events for the first time ; Closely combine the advantages and characteristics of online exhibitions to hold the 'Cross-border Premium Products Online Shopping Festival' and the 'Cross-Border Premium Products Online Matchmaking Conference'.

The sixth is customization attempts.Regarding the audience of the exhibition, it not only takes care of the 80% of general participants, but also takes into account the 20% of the top niche.This cross-exhibition caters to the needs of top organizations, trying to customize small-scale special closed-door private seminars for high-end organizations in a certain industry, and hold one-to-one business matching meetings, and has achieved good results.

Seventh is image endorsement.This exhibition has its own mascot Fuzhou Goldfish 'Fu Rong Rong', and designed WeChat emoticons, customized a variety of characteristic peripheral products, and carried out various forms of image implantation in pre-exhibition publicity and at the exhibition site, which greatly increased the number of visitors to the exhibition. resolution.



Official public account
Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center No. 198, Nanjiangbin Avenue, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province
Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Copyright © 2023 China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair Fujian ICP No. 16029097-7