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2023 China International Trade Fair Grand Opening

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2023 China International Trade Fair Grand Opening

China cross trade fair

From March 18th to 20th, the third China Cross-border E-commerce Fair (referred to as 'China Cross-Border Fair') grandly opened at the Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center.This exhibition focuses on the new overseas ecology, explores innovation in foreign trade models, and helps build a new platform for cross-border e-commerce development.


Stimulate the vitality of the 'Digital Silk Road' industry

Seize new opportunities for cross-border e-commerce development

Customs data shows that my country's cross-border e-commerce imports and exports in 2022 will be 2.11 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.8%.Among them, exports were 1.55 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 11.7%.As a new force in China's foreign trade, cross-border e-commerce still has full momentum.Up to now, there have been 165 comprehensive cross-border e-commerce pilot zones across the country, covering 31 provinces, showing the characteristics of expanding from the eastern and southern coastal areas to inland provinces, and extending from central cities and provincial capital cities to second and third-tier cities.

In January this year, the State Council approved the establishment of China-Indonesia and China-Philippines Economic and Trade Innovation and Development Demonstration Parks in Fujian. The two parties will explore an international division of labor and cooperation model with wider, higher levels, and deeper integration of industrial chains, supply chains, and value chains. .

The industry is developing rapidly and the park is demonstrating innovation. The seemingly parallel two have created new intersections and new integrations at the 2023 China International Trade Fair.On the opening day of the exhibition, the signing ceremony for a series of cooperation projects in the global cross-border e-commerce ecosystem was successfully held. Several international cross-border e-commerce projects based on the 'One Belt, One Road' were signed on the spot and became the highlight of the main forum.In this regard, Deputy Director of the Fuzhou Area Management Committee of Fujian Pilot Free Trade Zone and China (Fuzhou)Liang Yong, executive deputy director of the Office of the Leading Group of the State) Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone, said that 'two countries, two parks' is not only a strategic fulcrum for economic cooperation between countries, but also the road for my country's cross-border e-commerce to stride overseas. It is an important industry carrier that can be focused on. The development prospects of mutual promotion between industries and parks are promising. Coupled with Fujian's solid digital industry foundation to provide supporting support, a new 'Silk Road' with globalization and digitalization as its two wings has taken shape. Full display.

In terms of globalization, at this opening ceremony, Ruan Weixing, the founder of China International Trade Fair, officially announced that 2023 isIn the first year of the globalization of the China Cross-Trade Fair, from version 1.0, which was born out of difficulties, to version 2.0, which grew into a benchmark, and to version 3.0, which looks to the world, the original intention of 'starting in China but not ending in China' is being implemented.The China Cross-border Trade Fair will officially lead millions of Chinese traditional foreign trade companies and cross-border e-commerce companies to go overseas to develop better and betterDiversified international supply chain, cultivate a broader global market, and realize the dream of 'buying global, selling global'.

In terms of digitalization, Deng Hai, general manager of Fujian Midoduo Network Technology Co., Ltd., which is deeply involved in overseas digital marketing, told reporters, 'Based on the development trends in recent years, the next stage of cross-border e-commerce dividends may come from the digitalization of the entire process. It brings high efficiency and certainty. 'Traditional foreign trade is transforming and cross-border e-commerce is upgrading. Digitalization is not only a trend that enterprises must adapt to, but also a necessary 'weapon' for future development.Not only is the government pushing forward digital scenarios, but also platforms are strengthening digital empowerment, service providers are testing the waters and applying digital technologies, and front-line companies are gathering at digital technology-related exhibition forums and booths with great interest.The digital atmosphere can be seen everywhere at the China Cross-Trade Fair.


Wind and cloud gather together to shine in Rongcheng

Together, we anchor new coordinates for the industry.

Logistics is the 'water' that carries cross-border e-commerce, and finance is the 'sail' that stimulates cross-border e-commerce. The two are the forces that 'carry the boat' and 'overturn the boat' in cross-border e-commerce. .The main forum of the China Cross-border Trade Fair focuses on the theme of 'Logistics and finance work together to empower cross-border e-commerce and reduce costs'. Starting from the source, it uses logistics efficiency improvement and financial assistance to sort out ideas and discuss ideas for enterprises. Develop new opportunities and explore new prospects for development.The main forum was packed with seats, and the event was no less grand than the previous two sessions.The awarding of the 'TOP30 List of Cross-border E-commerce Leaders' supported by Deloitte Intelligence is one of the climaxes of the main forum. The award-winning guests from all over the country are well-deserved.

This year's China Cross-border Trade Fair is the first in the country to launch the 'Cross-border Clinic'. The organizing committee has set up a private area and invited senior big-selling and other experts from all over the country to the exhibition site to provide a large number of grassroots cross-border e-commerce companies with how to Personalized Q&A services to improve operational capabilities.This innovation was called a 'big hand holding small hand' activity by Chen Danfeng, chairman of the organizer Fujian Huiyuan Cultural Development Group Co., Ltd., and it also received enthusiastic support from ministries and commissions and hot discussions in the industry.According to random interviews conducted by reporters, the event received favorable comments from many companies who came to the site to learn from the experience and seek solutions sincerely.

It is worth mentioning that this China International Trade Fair also responded to the additional needs of buyers beyond participating in the exhibition and launched a free value-added service of taking buyers to inspect the characteristic industrial belts around Ningde, Quanzhou and Nanping, and registration was enthusiastic.The organizing committee also co-sponsored the '2023 Fupin Global Opportunities and Amazon Cross-Border E-commerce Summit Forum' with Amazon Global Stores to deeply analyze the cross-border advantages of the local industrial belt and promote the cross-border e-commerce field. 'In action, the on-site help desk also answered questions for participating companies from all over the world. At the same time, it provided a full range of industry information to cross-border sellers through small classes in the exhibition area.Also held on site were a cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone development exchange conference, a private forum on China’s cross-border e-commerce market channels, a South American overseas forum, and a unique 'Charm Chaozhou' themed wedding dress T-stage show, etc. 50 The remaining activities were unprecedentedly grand.

The core of the cross-border e-commerce ecosystem is supply chain, flow, and comprehensive services represented by logistics and other infrastructure construction. China Cross-border Trade Fair is an exhibition that organically integrates these three elements.

The supply chain is the core of the core competitiveness of cross-border e-commerce.This China Cross-Trade Fair continues to implement the purpose of focusing on trade, with a scale of 70,000 square meters, and the scale of supply chain booths is not less than 80%.The exhibition brought together more than 60 industrial belts from more than 20 provinces and cities across the country. Many well-known export-oriented industrial belts across the country participated in the exhibition, including Zhejiang Shangyu Umbrellas, Ningbo Consumer Electronics, Pujiang Crystal Products, Shaoxing Tangpu Children's Clothing, Jiangsu Liyang More than 10 industrial belts, including home textiles, Shandong Dezhou fitness equipment, Guangdong Chaozhou wedding dresses, Qinghai Xining Qinghai Haidong woolen products, Jilin Liaoyuan socks industry, Jilin Hunchun home furnishings, etc., appeared in the cross-trade fair for the first time.The exhibition is widely recognized by industrial belts across the country, stretching from Shandong in the east, Qinghai in the west, Jilin in the north, and Hainan in the south. Over a million hot-selling products in the industry have confirmed from the side that this exhibition is more representative of 'Made in China'. There was even a lucky buyer who selected hot-selling products at the exhibition for two consecutive years and excitedly told reporters that this place is simply the 'cradle of hot-selling products.'

Journalists who came to visit the museum for three consecutive years noticed that a large number of well-known platforms with international reputation and industry influence in the industry have collectively appeared.In addition to local Alibaba International Station, Made in China, etc., there are Amazon Global Stores, eBay, Walmart, Wish, Google, Shopify, OTTO from Europe and the United States, Meikeduo and Falabella from South America, Coolpeng from South Korea, and Jiku from Africa. Many new and old friends from China International Trade Fair gathered together to participate in the grand event.TEMU and Shein, the representative platforms of China's cross-border e-commerce overseas platform 'Four Little Dragons', made their debut and held special closed-door sharing sessions respectively.

Powerful service providers such as Zongteng, Fanding, Midoduo, Zixun, and Wanlihui once again gathered in Fuzhou, and Oracle, a well-known cross-border e-commerce infrastructure service provider, also participated in the exhibition for the first time.This exhibition also saw service providers from the United States and Hong Kong exhibiting as overseas entities.Service providers showed off their exclusive offers on site one after another, attracting companies present to stop and learn more.Bank booths that were not popular among enterprises in the past also gained a lot this time. Representatives from China Construction Bank Fujian Branch also said that many buyers and even exhibitors also expressed strong interest in the bank's cross-border e-commerce financing products. Interested, the promotional materials on the booth were sold out early on the first day.


Press the 'accelerator button' for foreign trade companies

Help the industry show new achievements

In the post-epidemic era, cross-border e-commerce is transforming from an extensive to an intensive model. The service supply chain has become a key factor in improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises. Cross-border e-commerce companies have shifted from competition based on customer acquisition efficiency to 'Customer acquisition + conversion + delivery + operation' is the competitive stage for the optimal solution of integrated efficiency.While being battered by ups and downs, cross-border e-commerce needs to improve its full-link foreign trade management capabilities.

At the Alibaba International Station booth, which has participated in the exhibition for the third consecutive time, there was an endless stream of people coming to inquire.The person in charge of the company said that in order to help small and medium-sized merchants better cope with the challenges of global trade uncertainty under the new situation, Alibaba International Station has now launched a full-link digital foreign trade service platform open to all foreign trade merchants to provide pre-sales services for cross-border merchants. , one-stop service for the whole process of sales and after-sales, helping merchants receive orders, ship goods, and receive payments.

At the exhibition site, there are many platforms and service providers that bring tangible products to enterprises.Faced with the surge in demand for foreign trade transformation and upgrading in the post-epidemic era, not only buyers have a strong desire for development, but also exhibitors are full of energy.Fujian Midoduo’s booth has been crowded since its opening.The trend of the industry is gradually blowing towards the independent station operation model. As an exhibitor specializing in cross-border e-commerce digital marketing services, the company's 'Juduoduo' cross-border e-commerce comprehensive transaction service platform displays independent station building, Google Various businesses such as promotion and cross-border delivery of rice warehouses were popular at the exhibition.The 'Rice Warehouse' cross-border packaging business innovatively launched at the exhibition uses third-party services to solve the pain points of high warehousing and transportation costs for small and medium-sized sellers, and has obvious cost reduction effects. It received a large number of inquiries and praises as soon as it was launched.Reporters at the scene strongly felt that providing companies with a full-link overseas solution for selection, sales, and transportation under the goal of reducing costs and increasing efficiency is no longer a unique approach for a few companies, but an invariant trend for more and more cross-border e-commerce companies. choose.

This year's China Cross-border Trade Fair fully demonstrated the resilience, great potential and vitality of China's cross-border e-commerce industry.On the other hand, as the epidemic situation calms down and economic development enters the fast lane of strong recovery, more and more Chinese companies have embarked on the road of organizing groups to go abroad to 'grab orders'.It has become the consensus of enterprises to 'go global' to seek the future.Chen Danfeng told reporters that in 2023, China Cross-Trade Fair will meet China's foreign trade and cross-border e-commerce. It has already agreed with partners in the United States, Philippines, Thailand and other countries to build China Cross-Trade Fair into the country's first overseas trade fair. The cross-border e-commerce brand exhibition organized by the exhibition promotes the internationalization of Chinese exhibition brands.The China Cross-Trade Fair connects China and the world, introducing more high-quality international enterprises including supply chains, platforms, service providers, etc. in one stop, introducing more abundant overseas industrial belt resources, building a new bridge for foreign trade, and helping enterprises Go overseas early, go overseas quickly and go overseas frequently, seize the 'window of opportunity', 'expand' and gain global business opportunities, so that Chinese enterprises can 'go global' more steadily and with a stronger determination.

Cross-border e-commerce is in the ascendant, and the China Cross-border Trade Fair has long been famous in the industry.Judging from the on-site bookings for next year's exhibitions and overseas exhibitions, it is not surprising that the China Cross-Trade Fair, which has long ceased to worry about its survival, is aiming higher and further. In the coming year, it will achieve more international traffic and more comprehensive services. , the industrial chain is broader, and the level of purchasers is deeper, there is hope for the future.


Official public account
Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center No. 198, Nanjiangbin Avenue, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province
Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Copyright © 2023 China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair Fujian ICP No. 16029097-7