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Seminar on China’s pet industry going overseas was successfully held in Fuzhou

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Seminar on China’s pet industry going overseas was successfully held in Fuzhou

Recently, the China Pet Industry Overseas Seminar was successfully held in Fuzhou.This conference attracted more than 100 pet industry practitioners, cross-border e-commerce service providers, factories, enterprises and media representatives from all over the country.

Chen Xiaowei, President of the Fujian Pet Service Industry Association, said in his opening speech that China's pet industry has entered a stage of rapid development. However, with the continuous upgrading of consumer demand and intensified competition in the international market, China's pet industry has entered a stage of rapid development.Domestic pet companies need to strengthen brand building, improve product quality, and expand the global market.

The guests also expressed their opinions.Liliane, Overseas Development Chairman of the Fujian Provincial Pet Service Industry Association, believes that China’s pet industry is already very mature in the domestic market. However, as competition in the domestic pet market intensifies and consumer demand escalates, as well as the interest in pets in Southeast Asia continues to rise in the past five years, the market The growth rate of popularity is catching up with the United States, a mature region. Chinese pet companies need to expand the global market, pay attention to the Southeast Asian market, and increase brand awareness and influence.

The pet industry still has huge development potential and opportunities in the international market. Chinese companies should strengthen brand building and product innovation, actively expand overseas markets, and achieve brand internationalization.The pet industry has huge development potential in terms of intelligence and digitalization. Chinese companies should strengthen technology research and development and application to promote the intelligent and digital transformation of the pet industry.

The distinguished guests present at the forum of this seminar are:

Fujian Pet Service Industry Association

President Chen Xiaowei

Overseas Development Chairman of Fujian Pet Service Industry Association

LilianeDeputy Secretary-General

Head of Midoduo Independent Station Business Department

Director Zhang Shasha

Founder and CEO of Ramada (Fujian) pet food brand

General Manager Qiu Sifeng

Zhengshang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

Tang Weiwei Sales Director

cogolinks knot international

Ding Weijiong Marketing Director

This seminar provided a platform for communication and learning for pet industry practitioners, and everyone expressed that they benefited a lot.At the same time, this seminar also provided ideas and directions for the future development of the pet industry. I believe that with the joint efforts of all guests and representatives, the Chinese pet industry will usher in a more brilliant tomorrow.

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