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Seize the momentum and win-win the future - 2023 Fuzhou Post ozon Seller Recruitment Fair

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-06-14      Origin: Site

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Seize the momentum and win-win the future - 2023 Fuzhou Post ozon Seller Recruitment Fair


Against the background of weak economies in Europe and the United States and heightened risks of economic recession, many Chinese cross-border sellers are looking for new markets.The potential market in Russia has attracted the attention of many sellers.SoWill Russia become a new continent for cross-border e-commerce?Let’s see what ChatGPT has to say.

According to the Russian 'Izvestia' report, since the beginning of 2022, Russia's total e-commerce trade has increased by 50% year-on-year, reaching 1.5 trillion rubles.At the same time, e-commerce sales accounted for 11.8% of Russian retail sales.Russian consumers are accustomed to shopping online through e-commerce platforms, including overseas platforms.There is a lot of room for growth, so it is a good time for a cross-border seller to enter the market.In 2022, a large number of foreign brands will withdraw from the Russian market, supply of many commodities will be cut off, and Russian consumer demand will surge.The emergence of this blank market provides opportunities for Chinese goods.Russian consumers, retailers and e-commerce trading platforms are all actively looking for new products, and high-quality and low-priced products made in China just cater to this demand.It is foreseeable that more Chinese sellers will join Russian e-commerce channels in the future and tap the potential of the Russian market.As the largest e-commerce platform in Russia, Ozon is undoubtedly the first choice for cross-border sellers to enter the Russian e-commerce track.

Ozon is Russia's leading multi-category e-commerce platform. Founded in 1998, it is often called the 'Russian Amazon''or 'Russian version of Taobao'.It is also one of the largest Internet companies in Russia.The platform has more than 20 product categories and more than 100 million product names, covering books, electronics, clothing, home, children, beauty, food and pets, sports and other product categories, allowing sellers to have a wider sales scope.

June 15th 'Take advantage of the trend and win the future together'!Fuzhou Post joins hands with Ozon, Midoduo and Hunchun Rural Commercial Bank to work with cross-border sellers in Fuzhou to tap into a billion-level new blue ocean!

Is joining OZON an opportunity or a challenge?

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New 'money' path!Big money scene!

Quickly scan the QR code and play 'earn' Russia together!


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Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Copyright © 2023 China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair Fujian ICP No. 16029097-7