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'Meili Chaozhou' theme wedding dress T-stage show debuts

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'Meili Chaozhou' theme wedding dress T-stage show debuts

'Meili Chaozhou'—themed wedding dress runway show

2023 China International Trade Fair—Chaozhou Pavilion

Wedding dress city attracts worldwide attention

The World AIDS Day -

Chaozhou, Guangdong, sits on'China's famous wedding dress city'It is the only city in the country to receive this honor.Chaozhou has successively won the titles of 'Guangdong Province Foreign Trade Transformation and Upgrading Base', 'China Clothing Transnational Procurement Base' and 'Guangdong Province Wedding Dress and Evening Gown Industry Cluster Upgrading Demonstration Zone'.At present, Chaozhou has more than 500 clothing companies that mainly produce wedding dresses, with an annual output of more than 20 million wedding dresses. It has become the main domestic wedding dress and evening dress production base and trade export gathering place.More than 90% of its products are exported and are sold well in more than 20 countries and regions around the world. It is one of the largest production and export bases for wedding and evening gowns in the world.In recent years, a number of leading wedding dress companies have emerged, such as Mingrui, Weibiao, Kaiqi, Best, Bonnie, and Jiaren.

With the development of the times, Chaozhou wedding dresses continue to introduce new ones to meet people's demand for fashion.Chaozhou wedding dresses are well-known at home and abroad for embodying the time-honored traditional craftsmanship of Chaozhou embroidery and international fashion elements.The unique craftsmanship of Chaozhou wedding dresses is the result of the organic combination of traditional Chaozhou embroidery craftsmanship, modern technology and modern fashion. It continues to lead the contemporary fashion trend and also brings Chinese traditional ethnic crafts to the market and the world.

318 · Chaozhou Pavilion

March 18,The 'Meili Chaozhou' theme wedding dress T-stage show will make a shining debut in the '2023 China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair (Spring)' Chaozhou Pavilion.By then, many well-known wedding and evening dress brands in Chaozhou will join hands to appear. More than 20 wedding dresses will be displayed in the form of dynamic shows and static shows to jointly create stunning visual effects.'Meili Chaozhou' will create new highlights for the exhibition, integrate new concepts, create new spectacles, lead new trends, create a platform that gathers fashion creativity and leads fashion trends, and presents a visual feast of wedding dress fashion to the audience.This event coversCompany exhibit introduction, fashion T stage show, wedding dress displaywait.Welcome to the Chaozhou Pavilion and experience the endless charm brought by wedding dresses.The most beautiful clothes are here, you absolutely can’t miss them!

Meet at Chaozhou Pavilion

The Chaozhou Pavilion is located next to the main passage of Pavilion 6

Booth number: 6L27-38/6M13-24


Official public account
Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center No. 198, Nanjiangbin Avenue, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province
Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Copyright © 2023 China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair Fujian ICP No. 16029097-7