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'Digital Empowers Domestic Products to Go Overseas' 2023DTC Brand Overseas Practical Strategy Full Analysis Theme Sharing Conference was held in Fuzhou

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'Digital Empowers Domestic Products to Go Overseas' 2023DTC Brand Overseas Practical Strategy Full Analysis Theme Sharing Conference was held in Fuzhou

'Digital empowers domestic products to go overseas'

2023 DTC Brand Overseas Practical Strategy Full Analysis Theme Sharing Session

In recent years, the situation has changed rapidly, and it has become a trend for domestic products to go overseas.However, it is not easy to gain recognition in overseas markets. It involves marketing promotion, logistics, payment and many other aspects, and is full of risks and challenges.So, how to use digitalization to empower domestic products to go overseas, drive marketing growth, and help cross-border e-commerce overcome the difficulties of going overseas?

On the afternoon of March 19, the 'Digital Empowerment of Domestic Products Going Overseas' 2023 DTC Brand Overseas Practical Strategy Full Analysis Theme Sharing Conference was held in the main forum area (Hall 5) of Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center.This sharing session is one of the supporting activities of the 2023 China Cross-border E-commerce Fair. It is jointly hosted by Midoduo, Google and Shopify. Four overseas experts from Google, Midoduo, Oceanpayment and Yuntu Logistics were invited to share their insights from the industry. Taking into account the current situation and the future development direction of the industry, he interpreted the trend of cross-border e-commerce overseas from different aspects such as new methods of Google traffic, independent website marketing, cross-border compliance guidelines, differentiated logistics, etc., and gave wonderful speeches to the audience.

New trend of cross-border e-commerce overseas

New ways to play Google traffic

Brian, Director of Google China Agency Management Department

Focusing on the theme of 'New trends in cross-border e-commerce overseas and new ways to play Google traffic', Brian, director of Google China Agency Management Department, said that Google search trends can help sellers understand different overseas markets and analyze what consumers think about in different markets. Focus on keywords to help sellers make product selection decisions and marketing methods. This is an important track opportunity.Brian summarized five dimensions for the 2023 spring consumer trends, including greater work and life flexibility, more meaningful community gatherings, more targeted consumption, personal happiness, and comfort and livability.He cited home furnishing trends as an example. There are many demands and opportunities for outdoor gatherings and barbecues and home offices. If it is divided into subdivided tracks, many business opportunities will emerge.

Opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises to go overseas after the epidemic

Independent website marketing solutions

Midodo regional director Lola lin

From the perspective of independent website marketing, we put forward our own thoughts on the opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises to go overseas after the epidemic.She believes that the development of cross-border e-commerce in recent years has been full of uncertainties, affected by 'recurring epidemics', 'turbulent international situations', 'inflation' and other factors, but opportunities also come with it. And born.Lola lin cited relevant data such as my country's total import and export value of goods trade in 2022 of 4.207 billion yuan, an increase of 7.7% over 2021, and other relevant data that achieved growth against the trend.She said that cross-border e-commerce has gone through many obstacles from the commodity economy to the brand economy. Among them, independent websites have become an important channel for my country’s cross-border e-commerce brands to go overseas, but the marketing rules on independent websites are very flexible and the models are diverse.Lola lin analyzed a series of results achieved by the Midoduo team in providing one-stop marketing solutions for cross-border e-commerce, including website construction, SEO services, content material services, brand upgrade services and other construction cases, indicating that DTC is spreading like a prairie fire. What has happened is that the original rough business model has become history. In the future, we will compete in the global market with more confidence, precision and high level. Only in this way can we take the lead.

Independent station achieves cross-border compliance

'True' means

Harrison, regional director of Oceanpayment

Harrison, Regional Director of Oceanpayment, delivered a speech on the theme of 'A True Guide for Independent Stations to Achieve Cross-border Compliance', and shared with the audience 'What pitfalls have independent stations encountered when going overseas' and 'How does it affect the compliance of brands going overseas' 'The three key factors', 'How to improve the conversion rate with the three key operations' and other hot topics that cross-border e-commerce pays attention to. He believes that the three key factors that affect the compliance of brands going overseas are legal compliance. , brand compliance and certification compliance. He also specifically pointed out that focusing on strengthening product compliance, focusing on operations and services, and focusing on handling chargeback issues will help cross-border e-commerce improve conversion rates.

Decoding new consumption trends:

How differentiated logistics enables DTC to go overseas

Zheng Linbing, regional sales manager of Yuntu Logistics

Zheng Linbing, regional sales manager of Yuntu Logistics, gave a wonderful speech on the theme of 'Decoding New Consumption Trends: How Differentiated Logistics Empowers DTC to Go Global'.He first analyzed the changes in overseas consumption trends. High inflation is changing overseas consumption habits. Lower prices and more abundant supply may attract consumers to leave their usual brands and retailers. This year, consumers are more concerned about the cost and delivery of goods. Convenience.Zheng Linbing pointed out that differentiated logistics helps DTC go overseas, products are the main attraction of independent brand stations, and improving the flexibility of the supply chain is the way to survive in a changing environment.Zheng Linbing said that logistics is an important part of e-commerce services, which can improve consumers' service experience and repurchase rate, and reduce refund rates.High-quality logistics providers with leading infrastructure can provide more personalized logistics needs and more effectively assist the development of DTC cross-border e-commerce companies.

This special sharing session lasted for 3 hours. Starting from the new era, new business formats, and new models, the four overseas experts expressed their opinions and brought inspiring thinking, which was unanimously recognized by the audience. In 2023, in the digital era, Chinese brands What opportunities will there be when going overseas?We'll see!


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