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Amazon's 'tide industry going overseas' sets sail from Fuzhou

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Amazon's 'tide industry going overseas' sets sail from Fuzhou

In recent years, cross-border e-commerce has become a booming trend in China.New business formats for foreign the same time,The era of Chinese brands going global, will also make great strides in the development of cross-border e-commerce. Building an international brand will no longer be exclusive to large companies, but a dividend opportunity that all companies can enjoy.

We have also seen that more and more companies have sensed this general trend, and have begun to pay attention to the benefits of brand overseas, and plan in advance to seek long-term development.

As a traditional OEM company, we have always wanted to transform into our own overseas brand, but how should our products be adjusted and upgraded to meet cross-border demand?What resources are available to support our development of brand building?

I am a new seller and want to develop cross-border business on Amazon. However, there are too many products to choose from and they are widely distributed. What kind of supply is suitable for me?How can we quickly find a good factory?

Spring is coming in March, let’s meet and chat!

March 18-20 Fuzhou

China Cross-border E-commerce Fair

In order to comply with the trend of foreign trade digitization and cross-border e-commerce and meet the needs of many entrepreneurs and business owners, the Foreign Trade Development Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce, the Fujian Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export and other units jointly launched theNational levelOther cross-border exhibitions——China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair is coming again!(hereinafter referred to as 'China Cross Trade Fair')

The second 'China Cross-Trade Fair' will be held inMarch 18-20Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Centerheld to'Linking the entire cross-border river basin and jointly building a new e-commerce ecology'As the theme, we promote the digital upgrading of traditional foreign trade and provide all-round resource docking for Chinese corporate brands across borders.This will be the first major event in my country’s cross-border e-commerce field this year.Highest specificationone of the activities.

exhibition site

Amazon Global Store is also honored to be invited to participate in this exhibition again and communicate face-to-face with the companies and sellers on site!The editor will take you to see in advance what highlights are worth paying attention to!

Highlight 1 Close sharing and consultation with Amazon’s global store team

I am a newbie in business, which site is suitable for me to open a store now?Which products are recommended for this year’s peak season on Amazon?

The company has been doing product OEM before. If it wants to start cross-border business, how to develop its own brand internationalization?What preparations need to be made in terms of cost, team, operations, logistics, etc.?

Our regional industrial belt is particularly rich. What are the differences that need to be paid attention to in the cross-border development of different industrial categories?

The store has just opened, is there any faster way to start ordering?

Amazon opens stores globally to share new resources with you

Amazon’s global store team, including Amazon’s official lecture hall, seller account operations, private label projects, brand protection, Amazon global logistics and other important business departments, have been invited to participate in this cross-trade fair to meet and communicate with participating companies. Share some of the company's global store openings in 2022 to provide you withNew resources and new projects help more Chinese brands go globaland other topics.

Amazon partners communicate with you face to face

At the same time, during the three-day exhibition, various useful information sharing was arranged in our exhibition area and special sub-forums, so that sellers can communicate with Amazon’s global store partners.face to face, to answer questions and solve problems encountered by sellers on the cross-border road.

Highlight 2 A large gathering of cross-border supply chains, with all the best products available in one place

The 72,000-square-meter exhibition area and 2,000+ factory booths are already full. This is the most comprehensive collection of cross-border supply chains and categories I have ever seen!

72,000 square meters, 10 product exhibition areas

The first cross-border trade fair has an exhibition area of ​​72,000 square meters, with areas for major cross-border mainstream categories., including textile and clothing exhibition area, home furnishings, dining and kitchen daily use exhibition area, hardware, automobile and motorcycle parts exhibition area, toys and maternal and infant products, 3C electronics exhibition area, shoes and clothing, luggage and sports exhibition area, gardening and outdoor exhibition area, pet products exhibition area, gifts, stationery and cultural creation area Exhibition area, comprehensive health and medical care exhibition area, etc.10 product selection exhibition areas, as well as platform theme exhibition area, service provider exhibition area, etc.

300+ exhibitor selections, 2000+ exhibitors

ExhibitedMore than 300 categories, exhibitorMore than 2,000 manufacturers, the supply chain brings together the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Fujian, etc.60 national cross-border industrial belts and their brand enterprises.80% of them are foreign trade companies and factories, which is a rare collection of resources for product selection in the initial stage of cross-border product selection and expansion of new products in the development stage of enterprises.

Integrate resources from multiple forums to provide docking

At the same time, in order to meet the needs of enterprises at different stages of cross-border development, this cross-border trade fair was held as a supportingChina Cross-border E-commerce Financial Capital Summit Forum, Talent Forum, Cross-border Compliance ForumThis cross-border trade fair has integrated these resources to provide more connections for developing cross-border companies and make it easier for our companies to find resources suitable for their own stage.

The specific sharing theme time and location of each session are arranged as follows. Seats for each session are very limited. Remember to scan the QR code to make a reservation in advance:


Official public account
Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center No. 198, Nanjiangbin Avenue, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province
Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Copyright © 2023 China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair Fujian ICP No. 16029097-7