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Amazon Jinjiang Footwear and Clothing Industry Product Selection Matchmaking Conference was successfully held

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-07-15      Origin: Site

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Amazon Jinjiang Footwear and Clothing Industry Product Selection Matchmaking Conference was successfully held

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'Gather momentum and move forward together to promote cooperation'

Amazon Jinjiang Footwear and Clothing Industry Product Selection Matchmaking Conference was Successfully Held

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Activity status/Activity profile

On the afternoon of July 14, 2023, under the guidance of the Jinjiang Municipal Commerce Bureau and the Jinjiang Chendai Town People's Government, the China Cross-Trade Fair Organizing Committee specially invited Amazon Global Store and Fujian Jinjiang Shoe and Textile City Co., Ltd. to jointly host the ' Gathering momentum to move forward and jointly promote cooperation'The Amazon Jinjiang Footwear and Clothing Industry Product Selection Matchmaking Event was successfully held on the sixth floor of the Jinjiang International Shoe and Textile City Investment Center, achieving the expected docking effect.

This event is fully supported by co-organizers such as Jinjiang Cross-Border E-Commerce Association, Jinjiang Online Commerce Association, Jinjiang Swimwear Industry Association, and China Shoe Capital E-Mall.Among them, after strict control by the China Cross-border Trade Fair Organizing Committee, 40 cross-border e-commerce buyers from Fuzhou, Xiamen, Shenzhen, Foshan and other places were selected.The Organizing Committee of the Cross-Trade Fair collects the accurate needs of the purchasing group in advance during the preparation of the event, aiming to lead sellers at the event to have an in-depth understanding of Jinjiang's industrial development, while looking for new cooperation opportunities, and conducting in-depth discussions with more than 40 Jinjiang shoe and clothing supply companies. comminicate.The person in charge of Amazon's global store openings was also present to share the latest policies, promote the connection between cross-border e-commerce platforms and enterprises, and empower the continuous development of Jinjiang's cross-border e-commerce industry.


leader's speech

Wang Xiaoren, deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group of Chendai Town Government, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.In his speech, he introduced Jinjiang's shoe and clothing industry resources and Jinjiang's cross-border e-commerce development policies and other relevant information to the buyers present, and expressed the hope thatThrough a package of measures such as organizing companies to participate in exhibitions, carrying out supply and procurement docking, expanding online channels, and promoting high-quality products to go overseas, we will help more small and medium-sized shoe and apparel companies in Jinjiang connect with resources and obtain orders.

Sharing session

The scene is hosted byAmazon Global Store Fujian Regional Senior Marketing Manager Wang Liand Pan Zhimeng, Operations Director of Quanzhou Moller E-Commerce Co., Ltd., shared Amazon’s operating experience through dialogue.

big saleshare

MoreWang Anqi, senior manager of Amazon's global store regional development, shared the latest policies on global consumer trends and shoe and clothing selection recommendations on the theme of 'Settling in Amazon to Start Cross-border E-commerce Business in Fashion Categories'.


Product selection docking

After the sharing, more than 40 supply exhibitors demonstrated the characteristics and advantages of their products on site in an all-round way. Through face-to-face product selection, they broke down barriers, provided precise business negotiation space, promoted procurement cooperation, helped brands go overseas, and achieved mutual benefits for both suppliers and buyers. Win-win.






The seller has something to say

The matchmaking meeting was held in a warm atmosphere and won unanimous praise from entrepreneurs who said they had gained a lot.This event 'invites' cross-border e-commerce sellers and builds a 'zero-distance' understanding and communication platform for sellers and supplier companies. It demonstrates Jinjiang's industrial advantages to the greatest extent and provides opportunities for traditional manufacturing companies and cross-border e-commerce companies. It provides a broad platform for overseas e-commerce sellers, expands a broader overseas perspective, helps enterprises share resources, promotes the transformation and upgrading of Jinjiang's traditional manufacturing industry, and contributes to the high-quality development of Jinjiang's open economy.


Official public account
Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center No. 198, Nanjiangbin Avenue, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province
Fujian Huiyuan International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Copyright © 2023 China Cross-Border E-commerce Fair Fujian ICP No. 16029097-7